The Edwins

A group of Edwin Clones created by Clone Scientist Edwin.
He creates his clones in an area masked as a "memory research facility." He does research memories, as that knowledge is needed to implant false memories into his clones so they are unaware they are clones, but he also does genetic engineering experiments that are illegal where he is based.
He claims to be looking for a way to combat memory degrading illnesses, like dementia and amnesia.

There are clones of all types, including ones based on arts, sciences, and even clones specifically tasked with hunting down runaway clones. The head scientist encourages the natural curiosity that is displayed in the clones, but that tends to back fire when they get out.

Sometimes, the clones Edwin makes aren't up to standards.. These particular clones tend to get scrapped in the prenatal phase, and their genetic material is traced back to origin to figure out what went wrong. 

Most clones are just variants of Edwin, as he tries to make the perfect fairy clone of himself.