Specimen Ridge Pack

The Specimens

A ruthless but fair pack who believe in equal opportunity provided whoever happens upon them don't mind being put through their rigorous testing.

Formerly ther largest pack in Yellowstone; their numbers were decimated by a combination of over-hunting, illness, and lack of prey. Once the old Alpha pair fell, it was up to the then Beta, Kholat, to rebuild what was left of the pack. Her methods of leading, while highly unorthodox, gave the pack a reputation for being extremely violent, which allowed them to time to recover in peace. Despite being still small in number, their combined strengths make a force to be reckoned with.



This cannibalistic dam is not at all friendly, nor open to the mundane ideas of friendship or love. She is wholly dedicated to her pack and would rather their comradery be untainted by heavy reliance on allies.



The stoic, level-headed and dedicated eldest son of Kholat. He is quick to act in times of turmoil, and even quicker at thinking out of the box when the lives of his packmates are at stake.



Born to the previous alphas, Ty-Ohni is a big softy at heart. Often mistaken for a grizzly bear due to his sheer size, yet always interested and assisting in the lives of the pack pups where possible. He is stalwart and resilient in times of peril.


The youngest sibling of Ty-Ohni. Vilkas is still very much a pup at heart, maybe at the fault of her brother practically babying her at every turn. However, she is not one to be underestimated! Vilkas can be calculating and manipulative at the best of times, especially where her brother's concerned.


There are currently no litters in the pack.



The son of Mogwai. Due to witnessing his mother's tragic death at a young age, Gizmo became obsessed with learning herbology, healing and spirituality, so much so that it was arranged for him to study the practices under Shay of the Druid Peak Pack.

Individuals Of Note


A clever and industrious wolf whose skills are put to use in fire and metal; a blacksmith of sorts. He prefers isolation to bustling pack life, and the company he does keep he's very particular about.


Found by Mogwai wandering alone and helpless as a pup after a particularly nasty skurmish. She proved magic existed by means of altering her lineage to that of Mogwai's via blood magic, earning her the nickname "Lucky". She is often found helping Cipher at the forge.


Not born of the pack or any of it's original members, but was one deemed successful in Kholat's trials. She works as a scout, spy and messenger for the pack and is particularly good at her job.

Art by @user, @user | Designed by @user