Norðrljós Tribe

Norðrljós Tribe


"The Tribe of Northernlights".

Currently accepting new members!

A tribe of friendly, helpful Lumens just trying survive in the furthest reaches of Luzoria.


. The Goddess of Light

The Luzorian deity some claim was responsible for giving the world its impressive array of luminescense.

. The Lumens

A sentient subspecies of canine adorning a natural glow in varying colours and patterns.

. The Verox

Another sentient Luzorian native. They are known for being great gatherers, herbalists, and traders, and they often collaborate or even live togethers with other Luzorians in exchange for food, protection and other benefits.

. The Felowl

The third sentient species of Luzoria. Small gryphon-like creatures, resemblant of a cat mixed with a barn owl. They inhabit almost the entire continent - with the exception of plains and plateaus - they live in trees or in rock crevices. Like cats, they are curious, but careful and cautious. They descend to the ground only in exceptional cases, they spend most of their time in trees or on high rocks, where predators will not be able to get them. Mostly nocturnal by nature. Because of the anatomical features of their front paws, they learned to create high-quality crafts, which allowed them to trade with other sentient species. Some lone felowls can join a Lanther or Lumen clan or become a companion of another Luzorian for protection, food or cooperation in crafting.

. The Edelvine

The final known sentient species of Luzoria. Wise elders, stargazers, and priestesses. Their life expectancy is three times longer than other Luzorian's, but fertility is very poor. Sires drop their antlers once a year and new ones start to grow immediately getting larger every time. Antlers are used as a main ingredient for creating longevity potion, but it also significantly reduce fertility.



The Völva


The Lurker


The Jarl


The Kennimaðr


The Wanderlust


The Baby













[ JARL ]

The leaders of the tribe.

  • Because tribes are made up of several clans; there may be several Jarls at any one time, all forming The Council of Jarls who work together to resolve tribe matters.
  • Responsible for the overseeing, management and running of the tribe.

[ Goði (masc.) / Gyðja (fem.) ]

A spiritual lumen; i.e a priest or priestess.

  • One educated in the way of the Edelvine.
  • Help the tribe with matters relating to faith, hope, personal beliefs, and offer blessings and prayer during special events.

[ Vitki (masc.) / Völva (fem.) ]

A herbalist, medic, healer, shaman, wise lumen etc.

  • One educated in the way of the Verox.
  • Help the tribe by curing or treating physical and mental afflictions, or aiding in childbirth.

[ Bændr ]

Lumens skilled in the cultivation of medicinal herbs, farmers of sorts.

  • Help the tribe by growing and storing herbs used for medicine.
  • Agriculturally adept.

[ Smiðr ]

Lumens skilled in the art of intricate crafting, smithing and forging.

  • One educated in the way of the Felowl.
  • Help the tribe by making useful items like armour, tools, infrastructure etc.

[ Kvasir ]

Artisans; i.e baskets, floral arrangements, talismans, paints etc.

  • One educated in the way of the Felowl.
  • Help the tribe by making useful items like baskets, decorations, paints etc.

[ Vǫrðr ]

Protectors of the tribe.

  • Help the tribe by actively looking for danger and deciding what to do about it (such as whether to take them to the Jarls for initiation into the tribe, or chase them away).
  • i.e Guards, patrols.

[ Víkingr ]

Lumens who are highly trained and specially skilled in combat and looting, efficient in wartime.

  • Help the tribe by plundering food, herbs or other useful items from other tribes and clans in times of extreme scarcity, protect the tribe from attack, and invade other territories as commanded when disputes over borders crop up.
  • i.e Pirates, raiders, soldiers.

[ Karl ]

Lumens who don't have any set or particular role, but live within the tribe as part of the community.

  • Help the tribe with any larger tasks that require multiple Lumens, make up the general population of the tribe.
  • i.e Villagers, peasants, subordinates.

[ Kennimaðr ]

Usually non-Lumen entities (such as Veroxes, Edelvines or Felowls) that live amongst the tribe as "mentors".

  • Help the tribe with whatever knowledge and skills they have in exchange for food, shelter and protection.
  • i.e Teachers




Mountain Lumens