Bunibytes-offical's Bulletins

I used to be apart of the mod team I guess you could say? It was only a few months’ I did set up the server and if anyone’s still in it I’d love to try and remake these!

I got by cat pronouns btw!!! =0w0= ~*

All I know about daruis/wes and whatever he went by is that he got in a arugement with someone? Then some irl thingys happened 

But all I know is he doesn’t want his desgins sold I guess?? I mean kinda makes sense???? Not really? *w*’  but I think these could be remade?

Regarding the species

Posted 4 months, 6 days ago by Bunibytes-offical

Daruis doesn’t want redesigns and the discord was removed by him if I recall correctly, all bunibytes are on Adopts 

Anything related to bunibytes is linked to this th

Bunibytes are now an open species as it was abandoned by daruis after a falling out of I remember.

I am not daruis/wes and he hasn’t been posting other than on his private Tt, we ask you don’t bug him

And respect that if you got a desgin of a bb for FREE you don’t sell it and profit off of him. That includes redesign then selling them.

Bunibytes have been opened last time I checked on him so go ahead and make your own, I’ll try to keep the masterlist updated but I have literally no idea how he was running this