BunnySnaxx's Bulletins

BEWARE: Bvckroomreactor

Posted 1 month, 2 days ago by BunnySnaxx

TW: Pedophilia & Grooming

I normally don't post beware's but this is a serious matter. My partner is finally speaking out about his groomer. Please share this around.

Here's the link to the doc below:


Twitter post to retweet:


Car Crash Emergency Sale

Posted 7 months, 25 days ago by BunnySnaxx

Every character on my toyhouse is up for offers. Please no lowballing. I was involved in a hit and run this morning. Thankfully my vehicle is NOT totaled, unfortunately my whole back bumper is smashed in and since the person who rear ended me fled and my dash cam didn't get her plates I now have to pay out of pocket to get my car fixed. It's looking to cost anywhere from $500 to 1K to have my car fixed. I am also open to donations if anyone has any money to spare. This is such a stressful time in my life I would love all of the help I can get. Here's an image of my poor car. :( https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/962579482546429952/1157385367134154942/IMG_2159.jpg?ex=65186a9e&is=6517191e&hm=1d1706c01b2a1679011b7a1ffdb8ba2e0fb11968b96c1803ce9d6cde07c19b16&=&width=883&height=662