Busch's Profile Comments

i think theres a way to turn off others subscribing if it makes it easier ! in settings under interactions n alert theres "allow new people to subscribe to you" and ur able to change it

Is there really? That’s such a relief 😵‍💫 I’ll have to do that when I get on my computer


I fixed it on my account. Thank you so much for letting me know :D

np :P

ty for the sub !! 

Hey there, sup? I'm Pearl's friend, unfortunately her account has been closed for some time. She asked me to ask you if you're still interested in keeping the adoptable pending to you, you can contact her via another social media. If you're comfortable with discord, her user is Pingoandpearl ^^

Yo!! Thanks so much for favoriting Furball, I appreciate it tons :D
I'm curious, what did you like most about that robotic cat? ^^

His happy expressions really made me smile. I'm also a big animatronic geek, trying to work on a tiny one of my own at the moment, so it was really neat to see a design that wasn't necessarily FNAF (which I am also a huge fan of don't get me wrong) be an animatronic.

Dawww, I'm so glad!! He truly is a very happy animatronic for sure :D Furball USED to be FNAF but that fandom was limiting, so I moved him to just be his own goofy animatronic :3 No scares or kills from that fluffy cat!
I would absolutely love to see what your animatronic looks like when it's done, please feel free to send it over once it's finished ^^