Main 'losers'

All 10 created by myself back when i was when i was 12-13 (back in 2007-2008) and around same time i did all 10 (reason i cannot remember which was very first of them).

They have gone trought major/minor design changes, but current changes are the ones i am happy with. I do tend to do some minor changes to lore, design, sometimes even with shipping and relationships between each other once in a while. 

I will never, ever sell them, since i have them for so long, they have the most stories/lore and ideas, and they are too personal to me to even consider selling them <3

There is always at least one of them who is most loved one at the moment and is used/talked/gets art the most.

Their profiles, lore and other stuff are still 'work in progress' where they will be last of my characters to be edited fully (since they have most details to begin with)

humanoid notouchy male female human flame elemental elemental feline flame demon cat sona scarecrow Tenezom Randal lily Khajiit crowe undead closed species