Butternutflowers's Bulletins

atrox's trial *short story*

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago by Butternutflowers

short atrox story every day?

0 Votes yes please!
0 Votes stop -_-

(this was before atrox was killed)

atrox flew around his kingdom. "this is it.. my trial" he flew now landing onto the grass. other griffons snorted at him. some glared while others hid. atrox bowed to the king. the griffon king looked at him. atrox stood up. "king shadow.." he nodded. the king nodded sneering. "you were a good warrior atrox.." atrox narrowed his eyes. the king sat down and the griffons all sat down.

atrox could hear a baby griffon whisper to his mother. "will atrox be killed?" his mother whispered back. "hopefully" atrox lowered his head. the king looked at him. "atrox, you have been found giving out lies about others, spying on people and telling my warriors to fight battles we cannot win! do you reject this?" atrox looked around. "no my king" several gasps went around the crowd. atrox faced the king.
what i say is true!" he hissed. 

the king's black griffon body looked him dead in the eye. his gold eyes locked onto atrox's blue eyes. "are you sure about that atrox.." atrox lowered his head. "i know the truth weather you like it or not!" snapped atrox. the king laughed. "guards take atrox away! he shall be killed at dawn" atrox didnt fight as guards grabbed him. he was pulled away from the crowd... 

atrox's finding *short story*

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago by Butternutflowers

make more of atrox?

1 Votes yes please hes so cool!
0 Votes no this is good

atrox moved around the castle walls. the weird griffon ghost looked at the blood paw prints. he lowered his weird bird head to the floor. "dusty.." he muttered. he walked to were the blood went. he could hear crying in a room and slowly went though it being a ghost and all. he saw a cat laying there blood dripping from her. "twinkle.." he whispered. she could not see him, not that he wanted that. atrox walked to her. twinkle moved a little. could she feel his cold air? he touched his claw to her. "not dead, yet" 

atrox looked around. "i rather not help someone like you, dusty was right to attack you" the griffon ghost sighed. "well, good while it lasted" the door opened up as a small cat walked in. "damn it" cursed atrox. he knew this cat, she wasn't important just some idiot. he looked at the small cat screamed at the dying twinkle. the little cat ran out yelling for help. atrox frowned. "i could kill her my self, but... no.." atrox climbed up to the window and flew out his cold air following him. the kingdom was yelling and he could see the medic. "now she will live! this should of never happened!" he flew down as cats, dog, bird and other animals went though him. "its a pity they cant see me" he looked around. "i know dusty will be sent to paradise, thats what twinkle does, gets poison, good luck dusty" atrox tflew into the air making the wind bring a cold breeze as the ghost flew away.