BuwkaHuiwka's Profile Comments

Hello! Are you taking offers/pings on spooky atm? ^_^

i can do pings and might check swaps!! :D

Ok! Does anyone in my Toyhouse interest you if you are willing to take offers rn? ^_^

ahh my bad i forgot to reply!! sorry, but no one caught my eye:((

It’s ok! Is there any art/animation you would be interested?

not really, sorry😭

hii do you do character pings at all? im so so sorry to ask if it makes you uncomfortable or anything, you're welcome to ignore!!

uhh depends on which character!! on some there's rules, which affects transfers, that i didn't listed on th, but if the character you want a ping on doesn't have them - I'll ping you!!

I’m super interested in this guy!! https://toyhou.se/18787471.tbn

okie!! they don't have any rules so I'll make sure to ping you in case I'll put them up for offers :3