Chaos Lurking

【PMD Setting】【Rating】

"Tag line."

【 Synopsis 】

Welcome to Halli! A place rife with an evergrowing problem of mystery dungeons. A place where pokemon have begun to go wild due to the effect these dungeons have. In the face of the growing problem, the Aegis guild has begun developing ways for these dungeons to more safely be explored as they work on the larger problem at hand. The stopping of the mystery dungeon crisis.

*Note: This lore is something I've made for me and my friends to use but if you so desire you're welcome to use it as well! It's pretty lax so go wild.*

【 Lore 】

Mystery Dungeons and Wild Pokemon

Mystery dungeons, odd places that often change everytime they're entered, have begun showing up all over Halli. No one is sure when it started or how, but today it's simply an accepted fact of life. If you don't want to risk yourself, you stay away from the dungeons. Early on that was easier said than done though. Locations of dungeons were not well documented as they first started popping up. This led to a lot of pokemon wandering into them unintentionally. Not all of these pokemon came back out, and even those who did likely would be acting different.

It was learned rather quickly that the dungeons had a sway over any pokemon who entered them. Spend too long in one and you risked going wild. This effect is often referred to as "Dungeon Madness". Wild pokemon are extremely aggressive and often lack an ability to think clearly. It is very rare that a wild pokemon will leave a dungeon but there have been some documented cases. Mostly when it come to two odd subtypes of wild pokemon. These subtypes have been named vampires and weres, named by humans who were turned into pokemon and sent to Halli. They seem to posses control of themselves mostly but under certain conditions will lose themselves just as a typical wild pokemon does.

Wild pokemon can be "cured" though. Using the same means that protect pokemon exploring the dungeons of Halli, pokemon can be brought back from the brink and be able to live relatively normal lives. More often than not these pokemon require another to look after them just in case they lose themselves for brief moments. How much one recovers differs from pokemon to pokemon. Interestingly wild pokemon can pass down a diluted version of the dungeon's influence to their children. Though these children will never see a worsening of the condition since they were born like that.

The Aegis Guild

The Aegis guild was formed to finally organize the scattered efforts of the exploration of the mystery dungeons. Through their efforts exploring dungeons was made much safer. Prior to the Aegis guild's formation those that traveled into the dungeons willingly always ran the risk of becoming wild. In the early days many of those brave enough to venture into the dungeons were lost to them. The Aegis guild managed to create a way for pokemon to be safe entering dungeons in a rather inconspicuous way: badges. The badges on their own of course could do nothing but with help from a powerful legendary when worn they could protect anyone from the dungeons' influence. Now the guild hosts teams and provides them with everything they need to be able to explore the dungeons.

Pokemon From Other Worlds

It is not the most uncommon occurance to come across pokemon from other worlds who have found themselves here some way or another. While it's not known for sure if pokemon arriving in Halli is related to the mystery dungeons it is believed to be the case. These pokemon may have once been humans, simply pokemon not from our world, or even other things which we have no reference for. It's unknown when the first of these pokemon arrived in Halli but it's believed to be around the time the mystery dungeons started to appear.

These pokemon seem to arrive in a variey of ways, from simple chance to being intentionally called here by legendaries or legendary descendants. If unintentionally brought here there is no way to know when or where one might pop up. Some teams dedicate themselves to finding these pokemon and guiding them to resources. An interesting quirk of these pokemon seem to be a sort of natural resistance to the influence of the dungeons. This doesn't mean they are necessary immune to their effects but they are not nearly as strongly affected by them. This has lead people to agree that whatever is causing the mystery dungeons must be something natural from this world.

Team Sigil

Not much is known about the group, besides their goal of ending the mystery dungeon crisis in Halli. No one knows how they plan to accomplish this since whatever they're doing has not been made public.

【 Characters 】

Important Guild Pokemon






Head of Logistics


Supplies Manager


Head of Trasportation


Head of Research


Head of Security

Team Sigil


Head of Team Sigil


Fieldwork Conductor


Head Researcher

【 Terminology 】

【 Rescue/Exploration Team 】

Groups of pokemon officially working with the Aegis guild to not only explore the mystery dungeons around Halli, but to help pokemon affected by them however they can.

(Note: The term rescue team and exploration team are interchangable, both effectively mean the same thing)

【 Were 】

A wild pokemon affected much differntly by the dungeon's influence than most. These pokemon will gain a new more monsterous or canine-like form (like werewolves and other were creatures) that they can willingly shift into as they please. They are forced to transform under the light of the moon and typically lose control of themselves during full moons. They can pass on their particular brand of influence to others through a bite.


【 Vampire 】

A wild pokemon affected much differntly by the dungeon's influence than most. These pokemon gain a new form which may grant them the adition of wings and other vampiric features. They can shift between these forms at will. These pokemon can consume normal food but will gain a new preference for what you might expect: blood. In times of extreme hunger/thirst they will lose control of themselves. They can pass on their particular brand of influence to others through a bite.
