James Town

James Town


PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: This is a story about zombies so death, gore and other nasty things will be in this story.


Right now there isn't much of a story. It's basically just a day to day life experience of a few characters in a community 50 years after the apocalypse began. It's a collaborative story with a few friends so it's pretty messy.

If you want more information of the general idea please read the WORLD tab.


The apocalypse has been around for around 5o years now, and James Town, better known dubbed as JT, as been around for roughly 27 years. People have grown since then and have began to find a sense of 'normal' in this world. It doesn't look like there will ever be a cure and nor do people seem to hope for one. Walkers, biters, brain beggers, freaks, dead ones, or whatever you call them are just another part of life now. People have adapted and its the norm.

Things like animals and critters still exist, and although rare, finding things like wild horses are something that you can come across. The world and its remaining people depend on this wild life and what left of the living that remain. Around the community there are multiple trapping places and hunting grounds that many will often check and see if they can strike lucky, however, thanks to their placement, finding other animals wasn't too hard.

JT is a livestock town, something that mainly relies on its barn animals and its field work, becoming almost civilised. Butchers are very important, such are farmers, but the people who work and breed the animals are even more important. Making sure the animals aren't over bred or bred incorrectly and making sure that the meat is still fine to consume. Along with farm animals things like seeds and fields are super important. A lot of the seeds that they have were found in the school nearby many, many years ago and in the museum. They've just been manually recycling seeds and food in order to grow more.

The people in charge are... interesting to say the least. Some are newer than others, but the ones who built the place are still incredibly corrupt. They come first, the people come second, though they have a fine and clever way of hiding it through theatrics and 'fun' events.

Horses ARE the new car. They're used for everything and anything. JT often breeds horses for specific things, though some are just given to people when they're not exactly up for their job. For example, sometimes a draft will be used as a patrol or scavenger horse, sometimes they're just not well behaved enough for the fields.



Angus Grey

patrol / scavenger

Angry scotsman who likes to be alone and likes to read.

Rhett Campbell

patrol / scavenger

Dumb jock who actually isn't that dumb at all.

Griffin Dallas

farmer / scavenger

Jolly little guy whos a little more than sensitive.

High Ranks

Cohen Lacey


A class A asshole who thinks of himself and not others.

Jacklyn Grey

security / trainer

Thinks of her job 24/7. Expects the best and only the best.

Robert Campbel


Rhett's dad and a mean bastard. No one likes his attitude.

Coding by celestiials