
Story I made up eons ago, fumbled with terribly, and then accidentally deleted like a #pro. During this time I named one of the unnamed monsters (and also yet to be described) a 'Witch' in anticipation of Cressida Cowell's then-new Wizards of Once series. Yes, I know I am not in the age bracket for Cowell's demographic, please leave me alone. Then I read the book, and decided to start ripping off the main antagonist completely, because it's just for fun and I'm not trying to fool anyone that I'm original, plus he wasn't a main character; God didn't believe me, so I accidentally erased everything, and I gathered the scraps of my memory of it to retool it into a Roleplay on a website meant for a blocky sandbox game called The Blockheads (it had an off-topic section). This time, Cowell's Witch was the main antagonist, hence why the RP was titled (#VeryOriginally) Run from the Witch, with a capitalized 'from'.

I stored the central characters that played a part (that were my creation) on Charahub, filling out the form for fun, and also adding a 'weaknesses' panel for my roleplayers to discover about The Witch, to clue them in and inform them that I was not, in fact, making up things as I went along.
Charahub then magnificently shut down in my face, so I hastily procured what I could and stuffed it onto a lousy word document. Then I've moved it here for more fun! While the text behind Annoriel, the doctor and the witch are all old, I'm thinking of rewriting some old characters back into existence, but who knows.