art magic tbn

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art magic name tbn

  • Status Semi-Active
  • RatingEveryone
  • GenreUrban Fantasy
  • Slice of Life
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A modern world where a person's otherworldly magic is casted through the arts they make. It can range from food, to music, to paintings, to anything. All creative art mediums can grant certain people to cast secret magic in the world they live in.

All stories aren't fully connected but they all live in the same world. Some character stories are set in older times, different settings, and different people they meet. The only thing that connects them is their artistic magic.

Note: Some stories are either set in either a society where magic is secret or not.

Theme: --by --

my design profile wip NSFW ok no art pls to redesign dating adopted art ok-ish x Not a character gifted species NSFW okay my art