Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hello! Here is some rules before viewing my page:

  • Please do NOT steal my ocs or stories or heavy reference they storie or design, I put a lot of work in them and I don’t want someone to steal or copy it.

  • No tracing of my art

  • Do not draw sexual or nudity stuff of my ocs please, I am not comfortable with that.

  • Please  don’t make offer on ocs that are not in the adoption section. ( Characters that are not in the adoption section will have A VERY VERY VERY LOW chance of going be adopt, sorry)

    if you don’t respect this rules , I will ban you from my account >:/
Some of them talk about their death or the death of their family, If death make you uncomfortable, please don’t view my characters!

Most of my characters names are in French because French is my native language! If I made an English mistakes I am terribly sorry, please correct me!

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No thanks!