
FCFS(First claim first serve)

Ignore below.

PM me or write on this bulletin(preferred) about wanted character, with one of these:
- WTA(Write To Adopt). A reason why you want it. Simple backstory, name and basic personality, or anything that shows that you have an interest in the character. It can be a single sentence or a paragraph.
- DTA(Draw To Adopt). Draw a picture of the wanted character. It can be of the current design or a redesign. It can be done digitally or traditionally. Or you can draw one my characters from this folder.
- A trade offer for one of your characters.

This is sort of FCFS.
PleaseĀ claim first and that character will be on hold for you for a week, so your can do your part and an another person won't snag them by being faster.
If multiple people claim the same character, they have a week to deliver on their part. Then I will decide, to who the character will go to by random number generator(?).