Teacher's Pet




"You have to help me get these kids out of here. ...Please."

Teacher’s Pet is my concept for an action thriller video game centered around the rescue of seven living puppets from their now crumbling studio (and from an entity far more dangerous than a broken down building…) Under the advice, guidance, and sometimes outright protection of Eugene Igneous, the main teacher character of this old game only you seem to remember, you traverse this hellscape in an effort to the students one by one from their environment and, more importantly, themselves and the entity controlling them. It's scary and hard, but so long as you've got Eugene, you'll be alright! Right, Eugene? .....Eugene?


Bonus Level!

"Oh, Dr. Igneous? Have you seen Dr. Igneous? Did Dr. Igneous say something about me?"

Bonus DLC level centered around Priscilla Tea, secretary to the principal (or at least that's what her character description says...?) that's known for her crush on Eugene. Like... known known. Explicitly. As in, like, this is basically her single defining character trait, this crush. There is no way something like this was going to written into the show, right? Surely, something happened here to make her this way. Nothing about her supposed personality lines up with her design, her dialogue seems so last minute, the episodes that were focused on her are full of red marks and angry notes. What on earth was supposed to be going on with her? Maybe if you look around, you might be able to help her piece things back together?


Bonus Level!

"C'mon, kid... Don't make a mess."

Bonus DLC Level centered around Rudolph "Rudy" Birch, the long time janitor of this school. He's written as being laidback and chill, with a cool demeanor about even the worst messes and staying kind with the various students when problems are created. ....Okay so, if that's the case, why is he trying to KILL YOU? In a vicious game of call-and-respond hide-n-seek, you have to make use of vents, lockers, and other crawlspaces to escape Rudy as he ambles through the hallways as he drips glowing green sludge, hunting you down for "making his job hard." It's impossible to get near him like this! If only there was something to clean him with...

"Some die young, and some die younger!"

Within the heart and soul of man that started this mess, there lies a very simple, very thin divide. This is the side of the divide that The Script lies on. With his original intentions for coming to the abandon studio forgotten now that The Script has gotten to him first, The Producers new goal is to do what he can to completely eradicate the puppets free will so they'll obey their written lines again after you came waltzing in here and ruined everything. In the middle of attempting to just straight up murder Eugene, The Producer changes his target over to tyou instead, disturbing chipper and eager to cut out the middle man before he gets back to work.

"I'll harness all this anger, enough to bring my loved ones back."

Within the heart and soul of man that started this mess, there lies a very simple, very thin divide. This is the side of the divide that Eugene and the students lies on. With his original intentions for coming to the abandon studio forgotten now that Eugene has gotten to him first (and after Eugene has threatened to strangle him to death if he didn't help), The Producer takes it upon himself to traverse this crumbling studio to rescue the students from the mess The Script-.... from the mess he caused. An AU version of the Base Game that gives more insight into The Producer and who he was before it all went wrong.