Leisvein Isles


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Ponderosa Forest

The Ponerosa Forest is a large, dense, coniferous forest located directly South of the city of Haventown. The forest is most notorious for the deadly grizzly bear assassin who resides there, known as Scourge, the Demon of the Forest. Most people who enter these woods who stray too close to Scourge's territory, rarely return. It is recommended that those who visit the forest stay in the designated camp sites, and stay on the trails.

Located in the middle of the forest is the large, crystal-blue, Ponderosa lake. This lake is teeming with many different types of fish, making it a very good fishing spot. Unfortunately the lake is considerably close to Scourge's cave, making it dangerous to fish there.

Located at the Northern most point of the forest is a small store that belongs to a Raccoon named Randy. Due to the location of the store, and the quality of the products, Randy doesn't get much business at all. Not to mention that there is a rival store not to far from his, which is much larger and has better products. The only issue is that they are way overpriced.

There are some people who live in the forest, but it is right in a little section of the forest that is closest to the city. This area is known as "Forest's Edge".


Haventown is a medium-sized city with a population of 590,162. The city of Haventown is ran by Mayor Z'Saxsi, who has tried and failed to expand her city South into the Ponderosa Forest.

Haventown is divided into six districts. Delbridge District is the less-busy side of the city with a few fundamental businesses. Drayford North is the most populous district in Haventown, and it has the most businesses and industry in Haventown. Drayford South is the shady side of the city with a high crime rate. Faltonsend Row is similar to Delbridge District, except it has a lot more residential areas. Hazelcrest Grove is the rich side of the city, with expensive houses and private neighborhoods. Kamnia park is a very quiet, peaceful residential area located in the heart of the city of Haventown.

Haventown is generally a safe city with a low crime rate, and is is well-known for its beauty at night. The whole city is illuminated with colorful lights after the sun goes down, and life truly begins in the city at this point.

Lunar Hollows

Lunar Hollows is a small, mystical forest located directly East of the Ponderosa forest. It's well-known as a place that is infested with many different monsters and odd creatures. The creatures that live there could never live in a normal society, so they thrive in the primitive environment of Lunar Hollows.

It is extremely dangerous to even enter into Lunar Hollows. There are many species there that are known to hunt and kill outsiders, and there are even plants there that are carnivorous and deadly. A lot of these creatures are venomous and powerful, making Lunar Hollows the most unsafe place to visit on the entire island. People usually don't make it back out after they go in.

Lunar Hollows has a very unique look to it. It's a dense forest of scraggly purple trees, and lilac-colored grass. A majority of the plants that grow here are purple, pink, or blue in color. There is no actual "greenery" in Lunar Hollows. Even the water is purple, and toxic to creatures that live outside of Lunar Hollows.

Outlying towns

These are some of the towns that exist outside of Haventown. A couple of notable ones include Arbaro Springs and Adderville Harbor.

Arbaro Springs is a small, close-knit town that is locate North of the Ponderosa Forest, and East of Haventown. This small town doesn't really have a whole lot to it, but it has the best view of the forest, and it is relatively close to one of the Eastern beaches.

Adderville Harbor is a coastal town built right on the Adderville Bay, which serves as both a cargo port and dock for ships, and a local tourist attraction. The beaches are breath-taking, wth many small shops and beach-themed houses creating a small yet lively community.


The Store is a large family-owned local grocery store that is located at the Forest's Edge. There are three 'The Store' locations in total, with the other two being located in and around Haventown. The Store is well-known for the excellent customer service that is provided there, and the quirky characters that work there.

The Rockies

The main and the largest mountain range in Lesvein Isles, stretching all the way from the northern-most point of the island, all the way down to the southern point. The Rockies has a peak elevation of 13,592', making the hike to the top very long and treacherous. Due to the location and the height of the mountains, there is snow on the ground up towards the peaks year-round. The Rockies are notoriously known for their steep rocky cliffs.

The Dire Basin

The Dire basin is a vast, arid desert located North-West of the Rockies. This desert is home to many outlaws, cowboys, and other "wildwest-like" folk. There is a small oasis located deep within the desert, known as the "Final Hope Oasis", where there is lush greenery and a beautiful clear lake.

Leopard Spot Tropics

The Leopard Spot Tropics is a lush, dense jungle that is home to many different species of wildlife and plants. The jungle is a very treacherous and dangerous place to travel through due to the wildlife, tribes, and it's very easy to get lost in.

Spirit Guardians

The spirit guardians all have one main purpose; to protect habitats of LeisVein Isles. Labyrinth is the spirit guardian over the whole island and the other spirits. The other spirits all have chosen protectors who are mortals which they designate to aid them in protecting their lands. The spirits are immortal for the most part, only fading away and ceasing to exist when their area has been completely destroyed.

Other Areas

These are characters that either don't reside in Leisvein Isles, or I haven't developed their place in Leisvein Isles yet. Nontheless, they are a part of the main story in some way.

Character Graveyard

This is where all of the dead characters from the story are located. Everyone in this folder is no longer an active character in the story..

Place Holder

Nothing to see here yet...

The Fourth Wall

This is where I hang out. Nobody in this folder is a part of the main storyline.


These are characters that either don't fit in this world, are used strictly for roleplays, or I just don't know what to do with them.


I will put characters here that will go into this world, but I'm still deciding where to put them.

HTML by Eggy

furry anthro PAW bear arbor day Lunar Hollows canine wolf cat monster creature robot spirit Scourge pink Arbor Day assassin edgy blue store