Kingdom of the Sea

The Kingdom of the Sea is mainly aquamarine or blue-green expanses of ocean, with speckled-sand beaches, white beaches, tall sea cliffs and caverns, underwater boulders, coral reefs, kelp forests, underwater caves,  sandy bottoms, peninsulas, and deep trenches. Rocky, sandy, or tropical wooded islands are spread out throughout the kingdom. The climate is warm, tropical, and rainy, and smells like wild, salty  sea air. Some of the beaches are lined with dark foliage, and mountains are visible in the distance. On the border with the Sky Kingdom, there are sea cliffs, and the water is presumably colder in that area. The border with the Mud Kingdom is a sandy beach separating the sea from an area of forest. It contains several jungles above water, and near the Deep Palace, there are lines of canyons and trenches.
