
Rulers of Cleaven (Clown Heaven) and the servents of Clod, (Clown God) These 12 Clods are the ones responsible for creating Keron. The planet eons ago used to be a place of mutual clorship (Clown Worship) where the residents of the planet performed for the clods in exchange for their love, favor, and gifts for their appeasement. The clods loved the keronians and provided them with everything they needed: food, water, weather, rain, beautiful skies, warmth, shelter, you name it, they had it. To keep themselves entertained in the Cleavens, the Clods created a 13th member, Heyoyo, who's role as the Highly Respected Grand Royal Fool was to entertain the clods and tickle their fancies. Everything was bliss for many centuries before a fatal mistake drove Keron into chaos and revolving madness, and in order to save the Keronians, the connection between them and the clods was severed to prevent another fallout. This, along with the sudden disappearance of Heyoyo, caused discord between the 12 Clods, and as they faded from the memories of the keronians over the passing centuries, so too did their close bonds.