Chirpilee's Bulletins

oc questionaire

Posted 2 years, 21 days ago by Chirpilee

1.) Which of your characters represent you the most?

prolly either Georgie or April haha, georgie is definitely my mascot tho

2.) Which of your characters represent you the least?

Sailor Shiba i like the design very much but it doesnt represent me. im ok with that tho! i love them regardless of whether or not i see myself in them.

3.) What is your favorite design you made?

i recently made a ref for Morgan and in general i like her bright colors. she was originally meant to be sold but nobody bought her so i got attached. i also like Penelope 

4.) What is your favorite design you own?

ugh! there's so many cute designs!! but April is so cute and precious, and Meredith has so much meaning to me because she belonged to someone very important to me.

5.) What is your biggest yet-to-obtain dreamy?

i have so many but-- maybe these?? Nightowl Neptune and Miracle

6.) What is your most prized achieved dreamie?

I mean I have many characters that I love and managed to get my hands on but Archie was a big dreamie of mine for a long time

7.) What is your oldest character?

Penny, she was my first character/sona.

8.) What is your newest character?

Banana omg i love them to death i rlly want to draw them but at the same time am a perfectionist and want the art of them to be perfect.

9.) Favorite feral character you own?

April and Meredith

10.) Favorite human(oid) character you own?

Georgie haha

11.) Favorite anthro character you own?


12.) First original species character you obtained?

Uh I don't have any at the moment I don't think but at one point I had this sheep species.

14.) What character do you plan to shower with love next?

rn i'm showering Morgan but i rlly need to make updated refs for my characters

15.) What character holds the most $$$ value?

tbh no idea haha, ig Georgie becuz they have the most art?

16.) What character has the most art?


17.) What character has the most favorites?

Meredith haha, she was my old friend's mascot

18.) Any characters you co-own?

no, not rlly haha

19.) If you had to give up all your ocs but one, which would you keep?

Meredith, I have a lot of memories with her

20.) Any characters based off of show/book/movie/game?

no :<

21.) Your smartest character?

Leafie, she's a bookworm and studies a bunch but lives on the countryside

22.) Your clumsiest character?

mE- i mean Bonnie,, i'm not clumsy what r you talking abut

23.) Your evilest character?

Max and Penny, Max was made to be a vent of a sort but is deeply wounded. as for penny, she has her demonic side sometimes

24.) Your sweetest character?

Bonnie, April, and Meredith

25.) Do you have a season/holiday themed character?

mm I don't think so

26.) A character you are currently wanting to rehome more than any?

mm ig anyone in offer just because i feel disconnected from them.

27.) Which of your character's names do you like most?

April and Max, I thought very carefully when picking the names

28.) Which character have you drawn most?


29.) Any hybrid characters?

sailor shiba is a shark doggo, and April is a mermaid doggo

30.) Your most unique character?

sailor shiba

artist questions

Posted 2 years, 23 days ago by Chirpilee

og; b-side [dont remove this]

artist questions!

1 . what program do you use?

paint tool sai

2. what do you use to draw?

wacom intuos pro

3. what brush do you use for lineart?

default brush in paint tool sai

4. what do you typically draw?

my oc's and stuff for friens

5. when did you start art in general?

uh i mean i've doodled stuff all my life but didn't start to take it seriously until i was like 11 or 12

6. when did you start digital art?


7. why did you start digital art?

because my irl friend did it and i wanted to be just like them

8. do you plan on doing art in the long run?

yes, i going to university for it

9. art you happy with your art style?

no, never rlly happy which is why its always inconsistent

10. do you prefer character designing or drawing characters?

drawing characters becuz i feel im bad at designing

11. are you self taught or did you ever take classes?

uh i havent taken any art classes in a while but i took them in a few years ago. i've never taken classes on digital art, tho, only traditional.

12. how long would it take you to draw a simple fullbody?

i mean it depends on how good you want it. i can sketch within 15-20 minutes and then i do lineart and shading ig but usually i take breaks in between.

13. how many sketches do you do?


14. do you have any go-to music or background noise you like to have when drawing?

ya i have a super long playlist just for drawing and i also sometimes watch yt videos

15. and finally, whats your current favorite art piece?

the sleepover drawing i made for vo1d

ABC Questions

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Chirpilee

Stole this from s1g-f1g who got it from butterbudgie and foxfood

A- Age: 18

B- Biggest Fear: Abandonment; stuff like pets dying and people leaving me. I also have a few phobias.

C- Current Time: 11:01 PM

D- Drink you last had: Strawberry-Raspberry Tea

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: vo1d ; my best friend <3

F- Favorite Song: Hard to pick...Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist by Rory Webley

G- Ghosts, are they real: I mean I don't rlly know, but it'd be cool if they did. I just don't have experience with the paranormal.

H- Hometown: Uh uh I'm from Germany but that's all I'll say

I- In love with: vo1d , if you count best friends.

J- Jealous Of: I don't rlly know haha, I guess of people's skills but they earned those.

K- K/lled Someone?: Uh I don't think I have...?

L- Last time you cried?: Earlier this week, but I don't cry as much as I used to, which I think is good.

M- Middle Name: E

N- Number of Siblings: 2

O- One Wish: That I'll find my soulmate and live happily ever after.

P- Person who you last called: Vo1d

Q- Question you're always asked: "How are you?" It's nice that people check up on me ^^

R- Reason to smile: I have Elias (Vo1d) in my life, and he's so kind to me ;w; and also cute kitties and puppys on the internet

S- Song last sang: Say So by Selphius (it's german and rlly catchy)...also I just started singing it again since I was thinking about it.

T- Time you woke up: 7:00 am

U- Underwear Color: uh uh

V- Vacation Destination: Disney World or Japan

W- Worst Habit: Scratching my head; I'm autistic and scratch my head as a stim ig? I've done this ever since I was little but I always get scabs.

X- X-Rays you've had: Teeth because I have braces...also I used to have epilepsy so I've had brain scans but I think those are different.

Y- Your favorite food: Spaghetti

Z- Zodiac Sign: Taurus

My Boundaries

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Chirpilee

🌺 These were taken by @.Crocs 🌺

🟩 — sure! 🟥 — no/never 🟨 — maybe/ask

Asking to be friends — 🟨 You can talk to me and reach out, but to me, friendships take time, so I may not consider you a friend at first.

Character Links — 🟨 If you're a friend or we're close, then of course. I just feel close to my characters, especially my sonas, so I prefer their bonds to be with people close to me.

Voice Chatting — 🟩 I don't mind voice chatting, however, my social battery might run out so I might leave sometimes just because my social anxiety is kicking in.

Pictures of myself — 🟥 I don't like the way I look, I'm insecure about my appearance. I've shown a few individuals who are really close to me because I feel comfortable enough to do so, however for most people, I don't.

Art Inspiration — 🟨 No tracing/heavily referencing, but I myself like to look at other artists' work to learn and improve my own art, so if you like my style, it's perfectly fine to use it as inspiration.

Design Inspiration — 🟨 No copying designs or ideas, but again, I use inspiration so you can use it to learn from.

Co-owns — 🟥 I've never really co-owned anything with others before, and if I do it'd probably be with someone I'm close with just because I'd be in contact with them on a regular basis.

Asking to offer — 🟩 Yes, you may ask, however I might say no, depending on how attached I am to the character.

Pings — 🟩 I don't really get pinged often, if at all, so this isn't a problem with me, as long as it's something that I have part in.

Dreamie Folders — 🟩 I have one myself, so it's okay to add my characters to your dreamies.

(Added options by Moe's ver)

DMs — 🟨 I have social anxiety, and sometimes getting messages from people I don't know that well is scary. I like making friends though, so just ask.

Trades (art + design) — 🟨 Mostly with mutuals, but also sometimes I'm busy ;;

RP (thanks to Bizzy for bringing this to my attention! -moe) — 🟨 Friends/Mutuals, I haven't roleplayed in a long time but I remember it being a lot of fun.

Gift art (thanks to frog-lord for bringing this to my attention! -moe) — 🟩 I love gifts, however it makes me feel bad because I don't deserve it :0

entertaining offers!! (all characters!!)

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Chirpilee

would you guys be interested in customs/adopts?

1 Votes yes
0 Votes no

ok so i will be tent but if there's anyone that interests u, feel free to offer.

characters w nft r especially tent ;; like chances of letting them go r rlly slim

USD > trades > points > art

Discord Server!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Chirpilee

Hi! I made a discord server for art ppl:


Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Chirpilee

for the holidays i've been looking for some money to purchase gifts,,

here's my site:

i'll repeat the info here becuz why not:

icons r $10 / 1000 dA points

fullbodies r $25 / 2500 points

outfits r $30 / 3000 points

reference sheets r $40 / 4000 each

u can dm me here or any of the socials given,, discord is best for me

u can also pay in steam / amazon gift cards

secret santa!! (nm)

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Chirpilee

do you consider me a friend?

1 Votes yes!
0 Votes no!
0 Votes no but i'd like to be!

Character Relationships/Links

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Chirpilee

Who's da best?

0 Votes Georgie!
0 Votes Bonnie!
0 Votes Leafie!
0 Votes Archie!
0 Votes Lavender!
1 Votes Connie!

Hey! So I don't have many relationships w other ppl's characters but I want to have my characters more interactive, if that makes sense. If you are a friend/mutual and are interested in linking characters, whether it's platonic or romantic, lmk! I think you guys prolly know this but I am a minor so nothing sexual pls!