ABC Questions

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Chirpilee

Stole this from s1g-f1g who got it from butterbudgie and foxfood

A- Age: 18

B- Biggest Fear: Abandonment; stuff like pets dying and people leaving me. I also have a few phobias.

C- Current Time: 11:01 PM

D- Drink you last had: Strawberry-Raspberry Tea

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: vo1d ; my best friend <3

F- Favorite Song: Hard to pick...Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist by Rory Webley

G- Ghosts, are they real: I mean I don't rlly know, but it'd be cool if they did. I just don't have experience with the paranormal.

H- Hometown: Uh uh I'm from Germany but that's all I'll say

I- In love with: vo1d , if you count best friends.

J- Jealous Of: I don't rlly know haha, I guess of people's skills but they earned those.

K- K/lled Someone?: Uh I don't think I have...?

L- Last time you cried?: Earlier this week, but I don't cry as much as I used to, which I think is good.

M- Middle Name: E

N- Number of Siblings: 2

O- One Wish: That I'll find my soulmate and live happily ever after.

P- Person who you last called: Vo1d

Q- Question you're always asked: "How are you?" It's nice that people check up on me ^^

R- Reason to smile: I have Elias (Vo1d) in my life, and he's so kind to me ;w; and also cute kitties and puppys on the internet

S- Song last sang: Say So by Selphius (it's german and rlly catchy)...also I just started singing it again since I was thinking about it.

T- Time you woke up: 7:00 am

U- Underwear Color: uh uh

V- Vacation Destination: Disney World or Japan

W- Worst Habit: Scratching my head; I'm autistic and scratch my head as a stim ig? I've done this ever since I was little but I always get scabs.

X- X-Rays you've had: Teeth because I have braces...also I used to have epilepsy so I've had brain scans but I think those are different.

Y- Your favorite food: Spaghetti

Z- Zodiac Sign: Taurus


looks like a fun way to know about ppl better!! might just steal this myself 👀 
