Needs a name Eeveelution Pokemon Aaa Eevee Line FUSION Tag- Lore Mural Shinx Line Shinx Drifloon Line Wurmple Line R Wurmple Drifloon Tag- Traveler Fakemon Need name Flareon Arceus Umbreon Mew skyeshuttle designs - 2024 skyeshuttle designs Hi H I H I Shaymin- Land Salazzle Stantler Line Jolteon Eepy Lotad Ninetales Swag Seel Line Salandit Unown D Skitty Line Foresteel Houndour Line he looks like a Walmart employee Sparkly Rock Archeops Tag- Mark Of Arceus Golett Eevee Shellder H I H I Unown Salandit Line Kakuna Sigilyph Glaceon Braviary Fleepy Lotad Line Vulpix Line Ever After Who Do You Love Unown B Unown E Purugly Litten Line Sawyer... hes a lawyer I stole matpats sweater from the gtlive farewell v WURMPLE YIPPEEEEEE Volcarona Purrloin Kirlia Raltz Line H I H I Shaymin Uxie Weedle Line Tag- Mark of Arceus Nickit Line Human Bellibolt Luxray Ditto Unown U Unown N Glameow Line Litten Lurantis Growlithe I cant make every character a sweater lover but I Ampharos Flygon Beautifly H I H I Cinccino Dreepy Giratina Tadbulb Line Seel Pachirisu Unown R Skitty Sylveon Houndoom Fomantis Line Growlithe Line Boltund I did for this guy Hakamo-o Minccino