ChujitsunaHiro's Profile Comments

I'm in love with your art style 🙏

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Oh hi :0 Honestly wasn't aware of that , just saw the new ota you posted and thought he looked cool ^^ I was gonna offer on em but my queue is hella full atm-

 Sorry to hear you're being messed with nonetheless though!

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Glad to hear it's been worked out! I actually was interested in knowing if you had commissions open so i could get a custom, just couldn't find a post about it anywhere xD 

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Sure yea, where do you list your prices :0?

6 Replies

oh my gosh!! I came here from a friends page (art of their oc) your art is so so gorgeous <333 it’s so freaking adorable omgggg <3 đŸ˜­đŸ’•đŸ’•đŸ«¶

Thanks, I'm happy you like my stuff!

You have some pretty cute art and ocs yourself ^^!

aaa tysm <3 !! If you’d be down for it I’d love to do an art trade^^ 

also if you do see someone in my th lmk everyone is always EO (except for sparrow and crossbone)

Oo yea I'm def down for that ^^

And okay :0 I'll look over your ocs again in a bit 

sweet!! what type of trade(s?) should we do? :] (like fulls, headshots so on and so on!)


Hmm honestly I'm up for anything, I usually do reg or chibi fullbodies though

17 Replies

ur art is so adorable can we do an art trade if possible? ^^

ooo maybe? What would ya like to do exactly :?

maybe a chibi or an icon?

I'd be cool with a chibi, yea! What oc would ya like me to draw? And anything specific you'd like for it? (Poses, themes, all that stuff)

ic pls or the character in that folder (EJ) 

and for poses u can check out their gallery and see the diff poses and stuff they do :)

Ooo yea ofc! I can do em ^^

Here's this lady for ya to do, she has some of her likes and dislikes in her profile that should help you + some outfits in the ref tab 

10 Replies

Who’s your favorite hk character? Noticed it was on your interests and it’s my favorite game!

Hollow knight :0? Omg I honestly have so many I adore so I'll just list them xD

The Hollow Knight, Broken Vessel, The Pale King, The Last Stag, Quirrel, and that one little bug who sings that song in crystal peak that ends up.. getting infected. 

I have some love for Little bug, I wanted to rescue him :'3

I like those little  moss ball enemies as well.

Hbu, who's your favorite(s) xD?

Hornet and quirrel. Those two are my skrunklies. And singy bug is Myla. Rip myla 😔.

Also yea, little fool probably gonna die from too much blood flowing to his head.

I also absolutely love lace bc she’s very silly.

Omg yes Myla :0 I was so sad ab not being able to save her, I even googled it to see if I could xD

I think Little fool will be alright though, he seemed to have been there for a good bit of time xD'

And si, I think Quirrel is universally liked xD he's a good bug, I hate the theory that he ended up dying so much

I just haven’t killed her, but I think that actually might be crueler tbh 😔

Anybody who doesn’t like quirrel is either insane or hasn’t played all of hk I’m keeping him at blue lake for now. No talking to him.

i didnt expect it and had to kill her TwT,, but yea same, he cant die if i dont let him die lol

1 Replies

Woooaaa it's so awesome to find other Christians on TH!!

Omg yes it is :0 We are like shiny pokemon xD It's good to see another Christian on this site lol

Yess shiny pokemon :D Whenever I see another Christian I'm sorta like "SAME HAT" but with religion LOL

HIII thank you so much for the art of astra! She looks so pretty I love the outfit and headphones sm they are such a cute touch <3 

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DeepWaters on th ^^

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Quite well, how about you?

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Ah I see, well i pray things get better for ya but its good your holdin up anyhow ^^ But yea thanks, its difficult to find, like, any Christians on here xD'

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pft, gotta stick together ig xD But yea thats fine, i donno what to say either lmao. Feel free to dm me whenever though, God bless ya ^^

Thank you for the oc! I've noticed that we even used the same user profile code lol. Good choice! :D

Yw! And that's awesome, code twins lmao ^^

Thank you so much for the characters! That was very generous of you ❀ I can’t wait to draw them :3

Ofc, I can't wait to see the drawings :00!

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And thank you, your art looks amazing as well ^^

I love your art! It’s so cool to see another Christian too! What denomination are you? I was raised baptist but I consider myself non-denom ^^ 

oo nice :O I haven't really decided on one tbh so non denom i guess xD

that’s awesome! yea I’m kinda indecisive too but I don’t think denomination always matters too much ^^’ 

Me neither tbh,  it sometimes just causes silly fights lol

Your art is very nice!

tysm ^^ <3

sure ^^ whats the offer?

Awesome! All of the characters in my TH are up for trades! Just press "unsorted" and go ahead and look in any of the folders!

sorry but i didnt find much interest in anyone :<

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Sure! Do you have a Instagram or discord we could discuss the specifics on :0?

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just sent you a request ^^

WHAT your art and designs are so pretty?? genuinely gasped 😭😭 iam in love 🙏

Awwes thank you sm 💕

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Thank you, I rlly appreciate that!! :3 <3

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I LOVE YOUR STYLE SM!! ^O^ your designs are so cute genuinely id definitely buy if i could :]

Aww, thank you, it means a lot! :3 <3

Heyoo! Just wanted to say that your artstyle is really nice ^^ your designs are really pretty too

Awwe thank you so much! It's really appreciated :D!! <3