CionKeiasta's Bulletins


Posted 5 months, 14 days ago by CionKeiasta

edit: also i forgot to address this with this bulletin, i know i previously did collab commissions with a friend, i did not send out DMs due to my situation at the time BUT i did send out refunds to everyone as well via PayPal

when you haven't touched TH in years because life has honestly been insane and stressful and a huge rollercoaster these past years


idk if anyone remembers me but gonna try to come back here, things have been whack :") i stopped using TH and dA around the same time too jrfeiowpjfiso

i'm mainly on twitter/instagram/twitch under the same handle!

if we used to talk a lot on skype, let me know ur discord !~~


Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by CionKeiasta

Sorry for going MIA on everyone!!! I previously worked for Disneyland Resort and now I no longer do work for them so I'm on more free side but I'm still pretty inactive in general o)-----< I've been extremely stressed since it's known Disneyland Resort doesn't treat their cast members to the best and it's put me through so much stress plus in money crisis JFSLED So I'm currently job hunting and in college rn ;;;; I'll most likely be appearing at Fanime as my next con so if anyone wants to say hi, I'll probably be there!

I know I kept my IG and Twitter link on my profile for a long time but I am definitely more active there!!! If there's any questions or concerns, you're free to either contact me through:

- IG:

- Twitter:

I'm also deprived of my ships so feel free to talk to me about ours jFKELDSJFjOIFEDSHFFFFFFFGGGHHHHH

PayPal Services - Tax Related???

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by CionKeiasta

Really wanted to know for artists who receive payment via goods and services! (Probs US based artists more bc these sounds like stuff for IRS)

So PayPal will start asking for your SSN, Employer Identification Number, or Individual Tax Identification Number if the payments you receive in a calendar year go above both of these levels:

  • $20,000 USD in gross payment volume for goods or services
  • 200 payments for goods or services
I've been putting this off bc I'm not sure how to go about it (since I've never done anything with the IRS stuff myself and still a new young adult LOLOL) and now they finally placed limitations and I can't even receive money uvu;;;;

I have no EIN or ITIN as of right now but I feel uncomfortable disclosing my SSN??? I still haven't had any tax related stuff since I never really had to deal with it and it's best to find out now since I want those limitations off my PayPal account and I'm going have to do taxes someday (but I can ask my parents about that then since I just had my first job- my PayPal thing going on rn is something they shouldn't know about for reasons OTL) ;;


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by CionKeiasta

dang i haven't checked here in like a month or so and TH drastically changed i'm so confused at everything

i came back to update commissioners on their CM status and i see this huge change LFMJEOWIFedws 

Sorry guys Fanime killed me

Posted 7 years, 18 days ago by CionKeiasta

Sorry for being MIA it's bc Fanime happened and I died so hard LOL

But right before Fanime, it was finals week in college and I had major projects to do so I dead bc I didn't start packing for Fanime until three hrs before I left LOL;;;;;

I didn't really get to see artist friends much (I mean--- I didn't see cosplayer friends much but I saw way more cosplayer friends than artists friends) but hopefully that can change at AX ~

you have no idea who to talk to about since you've been out of touch with this comm for so long so u have no idea if u can approach ur friends or not HAHA

rolls around as i try to doodle this species lmaoo oo o oo 


Posted 7 years, 1 month ago by CionKeiasta

Sorry for disappearing within this whole week since I'm still trying to process it LOL So last Saturday, I went to do a Touken Ranbu photoshoot with my friends AND I'M SCREAMING SO MUCH 

Here's some photos (my wig is hella messy in some photos bc long ass wigs and my photog aruji diDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT OTLLLL) :

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor <--- hate how my wig looks in this one but the photo is hella nice //ming


Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, tree, outdoor and nature


Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, child and outdoor


Image may contain: 1 person, standing, child, shoes, outdoor and nature


Link to full album (friend isn't done editing photos but she'll post more!!!) :


My IG post :

LF: osenyan/meowl/dreamy ATs

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago by CionKeiasta

i really need more art of my nyan child so he's priority then my meowl then my dreamy (although if you want to AT with my other kids in this folder or this one, that's ok too!!!)

Read here for more info: 




sticky situation OTLLL

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago by CionKeiasta

So my bank is currently overdrawn bc two memberships charged me (I told them to cancel BUT APPARENTLY THEY DIDN'T) but I called them last Saturday so I'll get a refund, however, idk how long it will take (and I honestly don't want my dad to find out about overdrawn bank acct- my acct is linked to his so whenever he logs on to his, he'll see mines so that's why i'm stressing) OTLLLL

Unfortunately, I also have a photoshoot this upcoming Saturday so I need to pay for my part which will include photoshoot location, food, gas, and anything else that might occur- So that's about another 50 USD.

So now, I have to make roughly 71 USD total (to cover for my overdrawn bank acct until my refund comes back and idk when my financial aid refund is finally coming back) OTLLLL Honestly, I really need that 21 USD covered first HAHA THE REST CAN COME LATER OTL

Here are comms:

Here are adopts: