CircusOfDisrepair's Bulletins

hey check this out!

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by CircusOfDisrepair

this epic temporaryily closed species called kuppies is hosting an event check it out!!! 

So basically just found out that the person I got lake and viv from implied they stole them said they quote "uh made a mistake" when asked why all their adopts were deleted, and is not telling or notifying anyone THAT THEY SOLD STOLEN CHARACTERS, so basically ive decided to completely overhaul these charas make them not resemble the stolen designs at all, only keeping a similar vibe to the designs since I thought I had purchased from a trustworthy person, and I would just straight up delete them but since im not getting a damn refund for stolen charas, I want to at least make something good out of this situation. plus I made VIV A SONA THEN STARTED TO WORRY I MIGHT HAVE GOT SCAMMED SO MOVED HIM TO ANOTHER FOLDER, WHICH SPOLIER ALERT I DID IN FACT GET SCAMMED. 

if this is not appropriate to do, or if you know the actual owner and artist please please tell me

EDIT: I decided im just going to delete the two, as I feel it would be disrespectful to the actual charas owners if I were to redeisgn them. please tho if you know who owns these two let me know. or if you know the artist behind these pieces please tell me so I can inform them their work was stolen. also the person I bought them from is bravewolf08 on DA so please be careful is you buy from them, I DO NOT WISH FOR ANYBODY TO ATTACK THEM BUT IM ONLY POSTING THEIR NAME TO KEEP PEOPLE INFORMED/SAFE FROM SCAMS


check this species out!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by CircusOfDisrepair

they're hosting a myo right now! here's the world!

check out this super cool species!!!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by CircusOfDisrepair

Will you be getting one?

0 Votes Yes!
0 Votes No
0 Votes Maybe

these guys are having a myo launch event!! its a pretty cool concept! all you gotta do to get a slot is share a bulletin and then comment your user and a link to the bulletin on the post I linked!