All characters in this folder are for sale! If they aren't in this folder, they aren't for sale :)

  • Please avoid white washing! If you want to adjust a skin tone that is fine, but don't make them white if they were clearly darker skin. This seems picky, especially as you are adopting them, but it's just something at makes me feel no bueno. Admittedly, I won't take the character away or anything but it's more a courtesy thing.
  • Be sure to credit me for the design! I know this is a given but I said it so you can't say you didn't know.
  • Feel free to change genders and such
  • All payment will be done using Paypal. I will message you once you post interest and we can get payment set up. Once paid, I will send you the full single image

hehim queer pokemon cis NeedsMoreArt blorbo baby pan human sheher ufs for sale gijinka trauma adopt fusion shapeshifter gay trans demon