Copperunidog's Bulletins

Name plate commissions

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Copperunidog 

Name plate com details:  I'm opening up some simple name plate coms, They're super cheap and I can do almost anything 

Unlimited slots

 I will draw your name plate after I receive the money, or will draw the name plate and send finished product after payment is sent

Only taking paypal at the moment 

Dm me for animated information

(More details on picture)

(Shares are greatly appreciated)

100 Questions but it's 4am

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Copperunidog
  1. Are you a morning or night person? Night
  2. Are you afraid of the dark? - no, but sometimes I feel like something might try and like yeet me
  3. Are you an extrovert or introvert? - both!
  4. Are you double jointed? - no 
  5. Are you left or right handed? - right handed
  6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? - Tidy
  7. Are you on time or always late? - I'm normally on time
  8. Are you ticklish? - no lol
  9. Can you curl your tongue? - um- no
  10. Can you ice skate? - um not without help
  11. Can you wiggle your ears? - noooo
  12. Coffee or tea? - Arizona tea
  13. Cookies, cake or donuts? - Peanut butter cookies 
  14. Did you ever participate in a talent show? - no sadly(I wanted to do magic)
  15. Did you go to prom? - yes it was a lot of fun!
  16. Did you like school? - No I can't pass anything 
  17. Do you believe in ghosts? - yes
  18. Do you bite your nails? - yes I bite the nails and the skin around it
  19. Do you consider yourself a good cook? - i can make ramen and Mac cheese 
  20. Do you enjoy dancing? - Yes but I'm not good at it
  21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? - Yes!
  22. Do you forgive easily? - Yes, It's become a problem of mine
  23. Do you have a nickname? - yes but only my real friends call me by it
  24. Do you have any allergies? - yes, pollen and animal fur(long)
  25. Do you have any phobias? - not that I know of
  26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? - yes, I have a tattoo of my zodiac and I have ear piercings
  27. Do you have children? - Yes that would be all of my oc's that I hoard
  28. Do you have pets? - yes I have way to many(13 cats,4dogs,1bunny)
  29. Do you have siblings? - yes(4sis,3bros)
  30. Do you prefer dogs or cats? - catssssss
  31. Do you prefer Mac or PC? - MAC but I own a pc
  32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? - Beach
  33. Do you prefer to bath or shower? -  shower!
  34. Do you sing in the shower? - I more like hum
  35. Do you smoke? - No and I never will ew
  36. Do you speak any different languages? - no sadly but I want to learn Spanish 
  37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? - idk I've never been to a dentist 
  38. Do you still watch cartoons? - Yes and I always will to be honest 
  39. Do you/have you played any sports? - I played soccer and basketball when I was lil
  40. Does your name have a special meaning? - my mom got my real name from a dream she had
  41. Have you ever been hospitalized? - no
  42. Have you ever been on a diet? - no but I should
  43. Have you ever been to a concert? -  yes! My little sisters and my friends 
  44. Have you ever gone camping? - yes it's very fun
  45. Have you ever met any celebrities? - nope sadly
  46. Have you ever skipped class? -  nope I am good child
  47. Have you ever won something? - raffles and claw machines
  48. Have you had braces? - nope
  49. How are you feeling right now? - tired
  50. How tall are you? - 5'1
  51. If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? - drawing tablet
  52. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? - somewhere warm but not hot
  53. Were you ever a scout or a brownie? - nope
  54. What city were you born in? -  Plymouth 
  55. What did you last eat? -  at like 6 and it's 4:20
  56. What did you want to be when you were younger? - a rockstar cheerleader 
  57. What do you do on a typical Friday night? -  play Minecraft til 3 or 4 am
  58. What is one food that you refuse to eat? - Beans
  59. What is one item on your bucket list? - sky diving 
  60. What is one item you can’t live without? - My souls mate(sister)
  61. What is your shoe size? - 7/71/2 in womens
  62. What movie have you watched repeatedly? - to many to count lol
  63. What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? - Android 
  64. What should you be doing right now? - sleeping...
  65. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? - get a stable job
  66. What’s one of your pet peeves? - people chewing with their mouth open
  67. What’s the last song you’ve listened to? - lemon boy by cavetown
  68. What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? - my Aeropostale shirts
  69. What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? - my phone now that I have one
  70. What’s your best physical feature? - umm everyone is always saying my tits so...
  71. What’s your Chinese sign? - Monkey
  72. What’s your current obsession? - plaid flanneeeelllllsssss
  73. What’s your dream car? - purple or baby blue jeep
  74. What’s your favorite animal? - wolves, or llamas
  75. What’s your favorite book? - The book series called "Divergent"
  76. What’s your favorite colour? - pink,white,blue
  77. What’s your favorite dessert? - Cherry piiieee
  78. What’s your favorite drink? - lemonade
  79. What’s your favorite food? - seafood, or chicken Alfredo 
  80. What’s your favorite foreign food? - I like Chinese food
  81. What’s your favorite gadget? - phone
  82. What’s your favorite hobby? - drawing
  83. What’s your favorite movie? - Warm Bodies
  84. What’s your favorite restaurant? - King buffet or Olive Garden, oh and red lobster 
  85. What’s your favorite sandwich? - Spicy Italian from sub way(also grilled cheese)
  86. What’s your favorite season? - summer and spring 
  87. What’s your favorite series? - VOLTRON
  88. What’s your favorite snack? - chips
  89. What’s your favorite sport to watch? - basketball 
  90. What’s your favorite thing to have for breakfast? -  I don't eat breakfast 
  91. What’s your full name? - SilviaAdopts 
  92. What’s your longest relationship so far? - 1 year and like 5 months
  93. What’s your lucky number? - 3
  94. What’s your star sign? - Gemini 
  95. When is your birthday? - May 23
  96. Which city did you grow up in? - Plymouth 
  97. Which city do you live in now? - Plymouth 
  98. Who do you miss right now? -  All of my friends 
  99. Who is your celebrity crush? - i have so many 
  100. Who’s your favorite fictional character? - Deku from mha

I'm back

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Copperunidog

Hey everyone, I kinda took a small break from toyhouse as I was under a lot of stress(andstillkindofam)

But I also wanted to ask if anyone would want to play Minecraft with me 🥺👉👈

My Xbox username is Wolfetheglaceon

Feel free to add me if you'd like to play!

Rant(ignore if you want)

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Copperunidog

I want to cry

I'm so tired of people telling me my dreams are trash, including my parents 

My boyfriend tells me it's our future and I'm like, what about my own future though 

There are things I want to do without you being involved, I have dreams I want to achieve but you can't even let me achieve them

I want to do things on my own I want people to stop telling me what to do with my future, why can't people just let me decide for once

Art raffle

Posted 3 years, 1 day ago by Copperunidog

I wanted to try something new

There will be three winners 


1. Fully shaded fullbody

2. Non shaded fullbody 

3. Half body


How to participate:

Comment below your favorite animal

Fav my sona Chase -

For extra entry's 

Draw any of my sona's (+1 each, can be any drawing you want) -

Make a bulletin

This will end on May 24!