100 Questions but it's 4am

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Copperunidog
  1. Are you a morning or night person? Night
  2. Are you afraid of the dark? - no, but sometimes I feel like something might try and like yeet me
  3. Are you an extrovert or introvert? - both!
  4. Are you double jointed? - no 
  5. Are you left or right handed? - right handed
  6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? - Tidy
  7. Are you on time or always late? - I'm normally on time
  8. Are you ticklish? - no lol
  9. Can you curl your tongue? - um- no
  10. Can you ice skate? - um not without help
  11. Can you wiggle your ears? - noooo
  12. Coffee or tea? - Arizona tea
  13. Cookies, cake or donuts? - Peanut butter cookies 
  14. Did you ever participate in a talent show? - no sadly(I wanted to do magic)
  15. Did you go to prom? - yes it was a lot of fun!
  16. Did you like school? - No I can't pass anything 
  17. Do you believe in ghosts? - yes
  18. Do you bite your nails? - yes I bite the nails and the skin around it
  19. Do you consider yourself a good cook? - i can make ramen and Mac cheese 
  20. Do you enjoy dancing? - Yes but I'm not good at it
  21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? - Yes!
  22. Do you forgive easily? - Yes, It's become a problem of mine
  23. Do you have a nickname? - yes but only my real friends call me by it
  24. Do you have any allergies? - yes, pollen and animal fur(long)
  25. Do you have any phobias? - not that I know of
  26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? - yes, I have a tattoo of my zodiac and I have ear piercings
  27. Do you have children? - Yes that would be all of my oc's that I hoard
  28. Do you have pets? - yes I have way to many(13 cats,4dogs,1bunny)
  29. Do you have siblings? - yes(4sis,3bros)
  30. Do you prefer dogs or cats? - catssssss
  31. Do you prefer Mac or PC? - MAC but I own a pc
  32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? - Beach
  33. Do you prefer to bath or shower? -  shower!
  34. Do you sing in the shower? - I more like hum
  35. Do you smoke? - No and I never will ew
  36. Do you speak any different languages? - no sadly but I want to learn Spanish 
  37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? - idk I've never been to a dentist 
  38. Do you still watch cartoons? - Yes and I always will to be honest 
  39. Do you/have you played any sports? - I played soccer and basketball when I was lil
  40. Does your name have a special meaning? - my mom got my real name from a dream she had
  41. Have you ever been hospitalized? - no
  42. Have you ever been on a diet? - no but I should
  43. Have you ever been to a concert? -  yes! My little sisters and my friends 
  44. Have you ever gone camping? - yes it's very fun
  45. Have you ever met any celebrities? - nope sadly
  46. Have you ever skipped class? -  nope I am good child
  47. Have you ever won something? - raffles and claw machines
  48. Have you had braces? - nope
  49. How are you feeling right now? - tired
  50. How tall are you? - 5'1
  51. If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? - drawing tablet
  52. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? - somewhere warm but not hot
  53. Were you ever a scout or a brownie? - nope
  54. What city were you born in? -  Plymouth 
  55. What did you last eat? -  at like 6 and it's 4:20
  56. What did you want to be when you were younger? - a rockstar cheerleader 
  57. What do you do on a typical Friday night? -  play Minecraft til 3 or 4 am
  58. What is one food that you refuse to eat? - Beans
  59. What is one item on your bucket list? - sky diving 
  60. What is one item you can’t live without? - My souls mate(sister)
  61. What is your shoe size? - 7/71/2 in womens
  62. What movie have you watched repeatedly? - to many to count lol
  63. What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? - Android 
  64. What should you be doing right now? - sleeping...
  65. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? - get a stable job
  66. What’s one of your pet peeves? - people chewing with their mouth open
  67. What’s the last song you’ve listened to? - lemon boy by cavetown
  68. What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? - my Aeropostale shirts
  69. What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? - my phone now that I have one
  70. What’s your best physical feature? - umm everyone is always saying my tits so...
  71. What’s your Chinese sign? - Monkey
  72. What’s your current obsession? - plaid flanneeeelllllsssss
  73. What’s your dream car? - purple or baby blue jeep
  74. What’s your favorite animal? - wolves, or llamas
  75. What’s your favorite book? - The book series called "Divergent"
  76. What’s your favorite colour? - pink,white,blue
  77. What’s your favorite dessert? - Cherry piiieee
  78. What’s your favorite drink? - lemonade
  79. What’s your favorite food? - seafood, or chicken Alfredo 
  80. What’s your favorite foreign food? - I like Chinese food
  81. What’s your favorite gadget? - phone
  82. What’s your favorite hobby? - drawing
  83. What’s your favorite movie? - Warm Bodies
  84. What’s your favorite restaurant? - King buffet or Olive Garden, oh and red lobster 
  85. What’s your favorite sandwich? - Spicy Italian from sub way(also grilled cheese)
  86. What’s your favorite season? - summer and spring 
  87. What’s your favorite series? - VOLTRON
  88. What’s your favorite snack? - chips
  89. What’s your favorite sport to watch? - basketball 
  90. What’s your favorite thing to have for breakfast? -  I don't eat breakfast 
  91. What’s your full name? - SilviaAdopts 
  92. What’s your longest relationship so far? - 1 year and like 5 months
  93. What’s your lucky number? - 3
  94. What’s your star sign? - Gemini 
  95. When is your birthday? - May 23
  96. Which city did you grow up in? - Plymouth 
  97. Which city do you live in now? - Plymouth 
  98. Who do you miss right now? -  All of my friends 
  99. Who is your celebrity crush? - i have so many 
  100. Who’s your favorite fictional character? - Deku from mha


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