Den of Thieves


Welcome to Krileon

Krileon is a fantasy continent in a videogame I'm creating via RPG maker, titled "Den of Thieves". It's a place of magical creatures and plants. Two hundred years ago, Krileon was ruled by the Adae. The Adae were a group of humanoids with unique features based on tribe, that ruled over this world's twelve elements. Two hundred years ago, the race died out, or mingled with other species, due to a war that tore their species apart. Now Krileon is ruled mostly by the Ehir, the sucessors to the Adae. The Fire Ehir Princess, Princess Ruby is currently on an imperalistic quest to take over the continent, so she can have power. Humans live side by side with Ehir, mostly.

Fire Ehir Territory

Fire Ehir Territory


The territory of the Fire tribes has historically been the desert to the south in Krileon. Even under modern politics, this has not changed. The Fire Ehir kingdom rules the sandy desert. There are several small villages, and the main capital, Ifer. The desert is vast and ringed with mountains. There is a coast farther south, but it’s surrounded by rough seas and rocky beaches. The sun beats down, making shade and water valuable commodities here. Princess Ruby rules here with an iron fist, her word is law, and there is no leeway.

Common Species

  • Fire Ehir - The dominant species here. Humanoids with control over fire.
  • Humans - Regular old humans.
  • Firespirts - Creatures made of fire that sometimes roam the deserts at night.
  • Pheonix - Flaming birds that burn themselves to ash then rise from said ashes.
  • Sand Dragons - Not actually dragons, just ugly lizards.
  • Vulcanus - Large lizard-dog creatures that produce fires.


Capital City

Ifer is the ancient city of the Fire tribes, first the Adae, and then later the Ehir. Ifer is located in a desert, built around an oasis. The fortress in the center functions as the royal palace. It’s currently under control of Princess Ruby. The town is full of thieves, and swindlers. Humans and Ehir live together here, although not for much longer according to Princess Ruby. This is the starting location of the game, and Wren’s home town.

Enet Territory

Enet Territory


The Enet are what became of the Chaos Adae. They are dying out, and there’s hardly any left. Most gather around their capital city, but there are a few out in the wastelands. The wastelands are what’s left of an already arid frontier, further destroyed by pollution. There was a thriving city named Entropy near the edge of their territory. It was a research town, and brought prosperity to the kingdom. But one day Entropy went dead, and the Chaos tribe fell apart soon after. Now it’s simply poison swamps, and desolate, dying landscapes.

Common Species

  • Enets - Former Chaos Adae, they lost their powers.
  • Human - Occasional human refugees hide here.
  • Swamp Snakes - Large venomous snakes that live in the toxic swamps.
  • Land Limpets - Hard shelled creatures found in dead grasses.


Research Town

Entropy was a town founded to research genetic cloning for medical purposes. Scientists at Entropy sought to find a cure for cancers and organ failures by creating viable organ clones to implant into patients. Unfortunately their Queen had different plans and set the scientists on a different task, under threat of death. This is the second area of the game, and the location of the first boss fight. .

Water Ehir Territory

Water Ehir Territory


The Water tribes have occupied the south east coast for a long time. They live in fishing villages mostly, with a major port as the capital, Emslan. Caves litter the seashore, and tides here are predicable. The Water Ehir are welcoming to humans, but wary of visitors from other Ehir tribes. The land here is lush, tropical, and sandy. It’s a paradise compared to the rest of Krileon.

Common Species

  • Water Ehir - Humanoids with water breathing and minor control over water.
  • Humans - Regular old humans.
  • Scylla - Women with tenticles on lower half, each tentical ends in a snake head.
  • Water Spirits - Beings made of water that attempt to drown ships.
  • Vone - Amphibious monsters with a “mane” of fleshy tendrils. They’re highly aggressive.


Capital City

Emslan is a bustling port town, full of people and creatures from all over the world. Gangs of pirates are in control, but they’re friendly unless provoked. Celebrations are held on the beach monthly on the night of the full moon. Most residents are heavily tattooed as is the fashion. This is the third location for the game.

Kinimachie Town

Kinimachie Town


Kinimachie Town is a bustling city without color. It’s devoid of magic, so entirely black and white. The residents all seem happy, although they are under strict law to never interact with magic, or things with color. They are entirely isolated from the outside world, and ignored by others thanks to illusion spells. They have a 1920s aesthetic.

Common Species

  • Kinimachie - Humanoids with horns/tails, no magic.
  • Rats - Common pests
  • Cockroaches - bugs that live everywhere.
  • They're pretty isolated other than that.

The City

Capital City

Kinimachie Town is overshadowed by a large palace. It’s been the house of their royalty for generations. At the moment, it hosts their Queen who is little more than a figurehead, and her husband, the man in charge. He’s the chief of police and strives to keep his rule by force. Kinimachie town is the fourth area, with the palace being the place of the second boss fight in the game.

Ice Ehir Territory

Ice Ehir Territory


The Ice tribes have called this frozen tundra their home for centuries, they don’t intend on giving it up any time soon. It’s freezing, it’s windy, it’s an overall miserable place. Unless you’re in civilization. Their cities are enchanted to keep out the wind, and the dwellings are delightfully warm. Despite being controllers of ice, the Ice Ehir here are famous for their warm welcomes. Unfortunately this area is under control by the Fire kingdom.

Common Species

  • Ice Ehir - Humanoids with resistance to cold.
  • Humans - Regular old humans.
  • Ice Devils - Ice Spirits that wander the tundra, they're apathetic to life.
  • Ijiraat - Vicious shapeshifts that cannot hide their red eyes.
  • Adlet - Half human, half dog savage tribes. Like to taunt victims.
  • Hurtur - Half walrus half human creatures. Lazy and haughty.


Capital City

Anware is the Ice Ehir’s capital city. It’s circular, centered around a large igloo where their leader lives. Unfortunately that leader is merely a figurehead at the moment, as Princess Ruby has control over this tribe. The city is built from snow, ice, bones, and animal skin. It’s a work of art, when not covered in thick snow. The city glows softly at night, its light muted by the snowfall. It’s said to be a thing of immense beauty. This is the fifth location in game.

Hyssop Town

Hyssop Town


Hyssop town is a ghost town. It used to be in the territory owned by the Decay Adaens, but they abandoned their official territory. Hyssop is filled with ghosts and other spirits trapped between this plane and the afterlife. Surrounding creatures stay away from the town, which should’ve been your first warning that something is off here.

Common Species

  • Ghosts - Dead people's souls trapped between planes of existance.
  • Lich - Powerful spirits that enjoy suffering, choosing to haunt this place.
  • Bubblers - Tube shaped creatures that burrow in the cemeteries, feeding off rotting flesh.
  • Guidelights - Spirits that take the form of glowing light. Beware their directions.
  • Ghouls - Not as common in Hyssop proper, but live nearby.

The Drowsy Dragon


The Drowsy Dragon is an inn run by a rather friendly ghost girl. Here travelers can rest and gain strength. The owner, Misty, welcomes all who enter her inn. She loves company, and can’t leave the town herself. Unfortunately not many of her guests seem to be able to either. Hyssop town and the Drowsy Dragon are the sixth location in game.

Metal Ehir Territory

Metal Ehir Territory


The Metal tribe’s territory has always been the mountains, as they’re rich in materials. The whole territory has been kept open to visitors under the royal family’s orders. Refugees and tourists alike are welcome to spend time in the various factories, towns, and forges. Their main city is overcrowded, and the people there are kind but not nice. The Metal Ehirs are responsible for most technology the others have access to.

Common Species

  • Metal Ehir - Humanoids with the ability to conduct electricity, and extra strength.
  • Humans - Regular old humans.
  • Fowsels - Half fox, half human folk that enjoy inventing.
  • Water Ehir - Humanoids with the ability to breath water.
  • Renins - Humanoids with four limbs, traditionally a race of blacksmiths.

Design Hold

Capital City

Design Hold has been the capital city of the Metal tribes for generations. Their royal family has lived in the palace and upgraded it with each new ruler. Design Hold is the biggest city in the Metal kingdom. Thanks to Princess Ruby’s legislation, it’s been receiving an influx of refugees from all across Krileon. All sorts of species can be found here. This is the sixth location for the game.

Wind Ehir Territory

Wind Ehir Territory


The Wind Ehir occupy the same area as their Air Adae counterparts. Their territory is currently under Princess Ruby’s control, much to the dismay of the residents. The Wind Ehir are capricious people, but are willing to cooperate with anyone who can rid them of Princess Ruby. Most residents are hiding on their flying isles to prevent Ruby’s guards from accessing their cities.

Common Species

  • Wind Ehir - Humanoids with the ability to control air currents.
  • Quetzalcoatl - Feathered serpents with the ability to fly.
  • Dragons - Large winged lizards that breath fire.
  • Wind Spirits - Creatures made of wind that like to blow people off mountains.
  • Humans - Only in the lower levels.

Mistral Isle

Capital City

Mistral Isle is one of the last places in the Wind territory untouched by Princess Ruby. It’s a splendid floating island made of stone and clouds. It’s home to the temple of Ition, the air deity. The water here is so clean it can heal one just by drinking it. The people are cold, but understanding and will help without a word. This is the seventh location for the game.

Demon Territory

Demon Territory


The Demon’s territory is rather small compared to most other tribes. They are what remains of the Magic Adaens. Their territory is centered around a large volcano in the middle of Krileon, and extends only to the few smaller volcanos around it. The capital city is located within the caldera of the largest volcano, with smaller cities built around the mountains, as well as within caves. Demons are sickly sweet to the humans, as humans are their favorite food. The whole territory is extremely hostile and dangerous to both humans and Ehir alike.

Common Species

  • Demons - Descendents of the Magic Adae tribe.
  • Imps - Creatures summoned from hell for use as familiars.
  • Devils - Lesser demons, sometimes preyed upon by demons themselves.
  • Pinwheel Vipers - Snakes that curl up in a coil and lay flat, waiting to strike.
  • Seared Devils - Burning, corpse-like humanoids that wandered in suffering.
  • Abashi - Scaly creatures that are bigger than imps, but dumber.

The Citadel - Ostraz

Capital City

Ostraz is the Demon’s Citadel. It surrounds a grand castle raised out of the volcanic rock by mages in the past. The Demons within the city walls are considered rich and powerful. Many are high ranking, and as such, much more aggressive to humans or travelers. The Queen of the Demons rarely leaves her castle, instead watching her people from her towers. Ostraz is exceptionally dangerous, even in the context of the whole territory. All the Demons would gladly present a human to their Queen to win her favor. This is the eighth location for the game.

Volle Territory

Volle Territory


The Volles are what became of the Earth Adae tribe. They live beneath the ground in secrecy, avoiding the turmoil of politics. Their biggest concern is a slimy creature blocking the way to their old Queen’s tomb. The Volles are skeptical by nature since they rarely get visitors, but open to the idea of it. It’s just that no one ever visits them. Their kingdom is crystal caverns below the earth.

Common Species

  • Volles - Former Earth Adae. Humanoid with crystal spines.
  • Dwarves - Stocky humanoids who spend their time underground.
  • Stingers - Hard shelled creatures that have long tounges and tentacles.
  • Grunts - Crystal golems that like to play pranks and cause problems.
  • Blind Salamaders - Salamaders that got trapped in the caves.
  • Earth Spirits - Creatures of stone that sleep in the walls of the caves.



Petaver is the capital city of the Volles. It’s a large cavern filled with glowing mushrooms and crystals, and a river running through. Huts are carved out of the stone itself, each blessed before doing so. The “palace” is little more than a large chamber near the edge of the city. Volles keep to themselves and enjoy their solitude. Petaver produces beautiful crystal carvings, but has no way to export them. This is the nineth area of the game.

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