Sparrow Song

Sparrow Song is the name of the story my persona originates from. The story follows a young man back from college, named Gideon. Once back in his home town, Gideon starts to encounter the supernatural creatures and happenings he tried to forget. Unfortunately magic is very persistent in Sparrow Song. At least he meets a family of friendly magical beings who are willing to help him and his friends. One of these being Vigenere, a matronly woman with red hair and damaged clothing. This world is full of magic, some of it extremely dangerous. As such, there are horror elements to this story. Parts of the magic system in this world are heavily related to one's emotions and mental state.

Supernatural Horror-ish Magical Forest

Den of Thieves

Den of Thieves is a fake videogame that I hope to one day actually create. It’s a fairly simple premise, with it centering around a young girl named Wren. Wren is a thief in her home town of Ifer, and got herself into some hot water by trying to rob the princess’s carriage. Wren was given the option of permanent exile, or temporary exile if she managed to hunt down the lost magical relics of the ancient tribes. Wren chooses the later, and goes off on an adventure with her big sister and best friend. This is the story where Walter comes in, a seemingly normal NPC who knows just a little too much about the world, and how it works, and also your Steam account name? How does he know that? I didn’t give him permission, did you?

Videogame RPG Fantasy Magic

Signal Lost due to Interference

Signal Lost due to Interference is the world of Lost Signal and her friends. The story itself follows Dr. Amelia Fitzgerald and her declining mental stability. Amelia starts off wanting to be a local vigilante, and help bring criminals to justice. Unfortunately, this goes very wrong and Amelia ends up spiraling into a self destructive depressive episode. Until one of her old friends convinces her to try a more, violent approach, even becoming a villain herself. There, Amelia discovers her true passion, murder. Amelia quickly gives in to her psychotic tendencies, embracing her persona, Lost Signal. When not using her persona, Dr. Fitzgerald works for a prominent research company as head geneticist on the human metagene project.

Supervillains Dark tone Sci Fi-ish Violent aspects

The Space Ace Squad

The Space Ace Squad is a story about a carefree group of space pirates. The gimmick of their group being that everyone is some form of asexual. The story mostly focuses on Shane and Naya, a human and alien who end up cautiously befriending one another after both escaping Earth. Naya comes from an imperialistic planet that has been expanding their reach of influence, and Shane comes from Earth. Naya takes Shane to her friends, the other space pirates, and they welcome this human into the group. There’s a very loose plot. If I ever make this into a comic or story, I’m thinking of like an adventure of the week type deal with only some episodes advancing the main plot.

Scifi Goofy Space and Aliens Pirates


Set in the same universe as The Space Ace Squad, just three hundred years in the past. Technocracy follows Dr. Ni, a geneticist on the planet Athoria. She helps her boss, Dr. Al in their projects, given to their directly from the Empress. Behind the scenes, Al is manipulating the local politics, and assigning “orders” supposedly from the Empress, all to further his own goal. That being creating a pure race to rule the planet, rather than the “varied and messy” ones at the moment. The Imyets are the dominant species, sharing the planet with the Keblexis. The story ends with the new race, the Alimyets, being created. Naya and Enith, from The Space Ace Squad, belong to this new race.

Space and Aliens Scifi Fantasy Politics Cloning

I'm a Little Cursed Too

I’m a Little Cursed Too is my AU for the Terraria Calamity Mod. It’s also crossed over with an AU for Deltora Quest I have. DQ is an awesome book series, if you’ve never read it. This story follows Lya, an adventure stuck on the island of Terraria post reign of the Jungle Tyrant. It’s a world of magic, various deities, and dragons. I try to stick mostly with the mod’s canon, but there are some things I change, so be warned. Also Lya is very gay and loves the mod’s namesake character, Calamitas, so heads up. There is also a fair amount of gore in this, since in my AU characters can die over and over until their curse is broken. There’s a lot here, so it’s kinda messy, sorry.

Terraria Alternate Universe Calamity Mod Adventure

CONTROL and Idealism

CONTROL and Idealism are two stories set in the same world, one after another, that follow Brenda Wilkes, an escaped human test subject. She escaped from a company called Interstice Science Innovators, which claims itself to be a benevolent research institute. In reality, it’s far from that, and Brenda is determined to bring the truth to light, no matter the cost for herself. Brenda has quite violent tendencies due to some experiments done on her in the past. She sometimes struggles to control herself and resorts to the impulsive, violent way to solve her problems. The stories are written as an autobiography from Brenda herself, giving a somewhat biased account of events.

Violent Dark tone Science experiments Evil corperation

Other Stories

My other stories are just sort of the ones that I don’t have a full idea for yet. Like, I love the characters here, but I have no idea what to do with them yet lmao. Some of them have like small fragments of stories, where as others are just like, I just think they’re neat. Some of these guys may one day get moved to other folders when I find homes for them. If you’re drawing these characters in here, feel free to put your own headcanons/ideas into the design/picture. I don’t mind! I need ideas for their stories lol. Also let me know if you think they could fit well into another story I have. DO NOT MAKE OFFERS on OCS in this folder. Just because I don’t have a story for them, doesn’t mean I don’t want them anymore.

Misc. Mermaids Fantasy Needs Stories

Fandom OCs

This is where I put all my silly little Fandom OCs. This can be anything from a very small AU I’m creating, nothing like the Terraria one, all the way to just a single character I’m inserting into a world. Just because I don’t have a folder yet, doesn’t mean I’m not into a fandom lol. I’m into FNAF, but don’t have a FNAF folder because I have no fnaf ocs. But like, I’m big into FNAF, so. There may be some OC x Canon in here, we’ll see. Fair warning, stuff in here can be cringe, but I don’t care. It’s my cringe lmao, and no one can take that away from me. I don’t plan on updating this folder a whole bunch, just when my hyperfixation says so. So if you’re following me for these characters, don’t get your hopes up.

Fandom OCs MLP Undertale/Deltarune ASOUE


The story of the Abnormals takes place about 1000 years after that of Sparrow Song. It’s set in a steampunk, scifi future. This is actually the first story I ever made with my friends. It was very different in its first draft of course lmao, but it’s still the same basic premise. In fact, the character Dana was my first ever OC I made. The story now follows a group of teens in a found family situation, trying to get by in their harsh environment. It has a happy ending, because as a kid I needed that, no matter how improbably, so I’m not changing that. No matter how dumb. This story is not the most fleshed out or anything, but it holds a special place in my heart, and I’m guessing always will.

Steampunk Element magic Scifi Found Family


This folder is where I’ll keep any Adoptables I have. Some of these will be specifically made to be adopts, and others are old characters I’m trying to rehome. Most will be OTA unless specified. I’m mostly looking for USD in return for these guys, but character trades, DA points, MYO slots, etc, will also be accepted in exchange for them. I’m very picky with the characters/MYOs I join, so don’t be offended if I don’t choose those. All I ask when you adopt one of these guys is you credit me for the design, and give them a good home. Don’t sell them for more than you bought them unless there’s more art/story to go along with them. The more art I have of them, or more complex the design, the higher the price.

Adoptables OTA Offer to Adopt Adopts


This is the folder for my commissions being offered. These are always open. When I’m actively looking for coms, I’ll make a forum post. But you can order one at any point, hence the folder. I do anything from sketches, to fully shaded pieces. I am willing to do mild NSFW, but no fetish content. I also enjoy drawing monsters/horror art if you’re interested in that. I can do gore as well. I mostly take USD paypal as my form of payment or the equivelant cost in DA points, but I can negotiate if needed. I appreciate your interest in my commissions. I will usually take about 1-2 weeks in turnover. If life is especially busy, I will let you know the wait time adjustment. I’ll also be putting YCH slots in this folder.

Commissions Open Coms USD YCHs

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