Sparrow Song



I started Sparrow Song way back in like junior high, when I was roughly 12. I’m sure if you’re familiar with it, you’ve noticed the Gravity Falls influences in this story. That’s because this all originally started as a weird AU/fanfic idea for GF. I later decided to make it more my own, and introduced characters like Elise, and Ashkii. Gideon, Vigenere and her family have been here since the beginning. I chose my username based on the original incarnation of this story, and chose Vigenere as my persona for the same reason. Despite the story having changed over the years, I still like my name as well as Vigenere as my sona. I hope you guys enjoy learning more about my sona’s world. (:


Violence, Horror elements, body horror, blood, gore, drugs.

"I will trade you one terrible memory for a memory I have of a young pine tree covered in butterflies."

Sparrow Song is the title of a story revolving around a young man named Gideon Whitewood.

Gideon has returned to his home town for the off season of his college, as his father refuses to help pay for college if he doesn’t come home to work. Gideon struggles with finding jobs other than at his family diner, so he needs all the help he can get for college payments. Everyone around knows how strange the town of Sparrow Song is. Most of the town’s funding comes from tourists looking for the supernatural, or renting out the local campgrounds. Gideon himself has seen plenty of things he’d much rather forget.

In his attempts to forget both his childhood trauma, as well as the creatures he’d seen, Gideon got into opioid usage during college. While attempting to injure himself to get another prescription from the local doctor, he encounters a young witch gathering ingredients in the woods. Her name is Elise, and she offers to heal his injuries. Gideon’s involvement with her is eventually what gets him involved in the rest of the magical world. Eventually, Gideon’s boyfriend, Ashkii comes to visit too, joining the mess with the pair.

The world of Sparrow Song has three layers of reality stacked on top of one another. The highest layer is the Spirit World, which is where living creatures go when their mortal lives end. It’s not exactly heaven, it’s more like another stage of existence. The next layer is The Limbo Expanse, a version of reality seeped with magic, often mirroring Earth’s features. And then finally Earth, where mortal creatures live. The barrier separating these layers is referred to as “The Veil” and is weak, or torn in some spots, allowing crossing.

The town of Sparrow Song is one of these such areas, with a very weak Veil around it, as well as several small tears. Some natural, some man-made. Sparrow Song is a town up in the mountains of Utah, near Provo Falls. Magic, as well as supernatural creatures originate from The Limbo Expanse, sometimes crossing over into the town. A small coven of witches harness some small magic power from Limbo. The only known creatures that do not originate from Limbo or Earth, are the Angels. Angels are otherworldly beings covered in eyes and wings, and seem to strike terror into the hearts of all those who witness them. Their purpose is unknown.

Vigenere’s family accidentally crossed from their home in Limbo into Earth, and haven’t found a way back yet. It appears their home had sealed itself off purposefully. The family has since made their homes around the town, some of them utterly changed by grief and other events that have transpired. They lived in harmony with the natives to the area before the white settlers came imposed their beliefs, attempting to attack the family, despite their peaceful nature.


Legend by MONO

Main Characters


Our main character. He's a human with a gift for crossing the Veil.


A kind, local witch who offers to help Gideon. She learned to use magic from her mother.


Gideon's boyfriend from College who joins the group. He is part Skinwalker.


A strange, matronly woman originating from the Limbo Expanse. She wants to help the group.


Sparrow Song

The town on Earth where the story takes place. A quaint mountain town in Utah. (You are here)

The Limbo Expanses

The source of magic in the story. A layer of reality on top of Earth.

Code by Aurorean