CorruptedCatra's Profile Comments

are your trades open?

depends! who are you looking at

if its for raine then no 💔

I was thinking art/design trade, sorry for not being clear

oh really :0? thank you for the interest! unfortunately ill have to pass rn bc i have a que and not a lot of days off from my jobs atm, but ill let you know if they're open again :3!

oh, ok, I understand. Thank you!

i dont mind!! he’s a sona though so its very unlikely hes leaving me💔 ty for ur interest though!

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np :]!!

thank you for the fav!! i’m also willing to take offers on the chara you faved!! 

oo!! noted! what would you be looking for them :0

oo!! noted! what would you be looking for them :0

probably hq ocs/swaps! im a little picky but if you offer a design i love ill most likely accept!

does anyone in my others folder interest you :0?

didn’t see anyone, i’m sorry! 

thats ok! ty anyways 💚


thanks so much for the fav!

No problem 💚!

Thanks for the fave! :3

No problem ^u^!!

Thank you for the like!!! C:

doglover No problem ^u^! and thank you for the like as well!

Sure!! ^^