Tales Of Smoke:

One of my big personal stories.

A version of Earth where all matter of magic can be found.

Huge holes in lore are expected, bear with me as I fill everything out. <3

Mentions of death, violence, and sickness.

World Info:

2025-2040- The modern era, very similar to the one we live in now, not much else has to be said. A company called MOOS controls the paranormal from the shadows and keeps magical hidden from humans. The Ministry of Objective Services, otherwise known as the Mergence of Otherworldly Secrets is a well known company across the country that masquerades as reliable but cheap law firm and legal advisory but is actually an organization created to keep the paranormal and weird a secret from humanity. MOOS is completely run by those with magic or those who aren’t human but humanoid, all employees devote their time to keeping themselves and others like them a secret and members of MOOS have been planted in the government, and many other organizations big or small, to perform cover ups and to sabotage research into the unknown, whether by planting false evidence, destroying evidence, or scaring the heck out of those looking for answers. As a law firm for humans, they most often take on jobs that hint towards paranormal events, though not always. Rest assured, those who work as lawyers have had legitimate schooling. The members of MOOS placed in the public eye are typically werewolves, vampires, devils, or shapeshifters who can easily blend in. Some members of moose are considered US citizens if they were born human or they or their family chose to live amongst humans though not all. All paranormal creatures must be registered with the MOOS and are kept a close eye on if they do not work directly with them. MOOS is often considered corrupt and power hungry by those outside of it but most workers are either loyal or too scared to comment. All paranormal creatures must keep their existence a secret from humanity (with a small except for humans with magical abilities) and abide by the rules enforced by MOOS but no one quite knows why. Some say it’s too dangerous, some say it’s because they’re better than humans, but no one actually knows the reasoning behind MOOS’ strict rules and not much is known about the company's origins except the fact that they have been around for hundreds and thousands of years and the higher ups are not to be trifled with. MOOS provides housing and amazing perks to its employees, especially those who are so far from human that they can’t interact with human society. Working for MOOS is often passed down from parent to child, especially positions of power, and many kids of MOOS employees have been trained since childhood to take their parent’s place one day.
The tasks that MOOS mainly completes includes creating false documents for magical beings in order for them to function in human society, providing aid and shelter to magical aligned people, apprehending magical criminals and those that threaten magic's secrecy, covering up magical events, and providing jobs for magical beings. However, MOOS is not free from corruption and favoritism from the higher ups. And they are known to commit atrocities in the name of "Keeping magic safe and hidden,"
About 7% of the world's population consists of magical beings, including humans with magical abilities. The majority of people in the world are totally average humans.
One would think that with the amount of magical people in the world the secret would be very easily broken but MOOS has it's ways of keeping things under control...

2080-2085- Tba 

2105-2108- Tba

2120-2130- Tba

Species info:

Humans- Self explanatory, normal humans are not allowed to know about the paranormal and live in ignorant bliss in most cases. Some can wield magic, magic users are allowed to know about the paranormal. Any human can be turned into a Vampire, Werewolf, Ghost, etc. Humans can occasionally be gifted powers and/or immortality from demons or other beings. Humans with magical abilities are not treated as equals by other paranormal beings and are not often widely accepted into paranormal society. (Until the events of "The Snatched"). Humans with magical abilities typically inherited them genetically, usually by being related in some way to a devil. It doesn't matter how long ago, if you have a devilish ancestor you have a chance of having magical abilities. People have tried researching where exactly magical abilities in humans come from, besides devilish lineage, but there are very few hints, many humans seem to just randomly be born with magical abilities. 

Devils- A type of being akin to a classic depiction of a demon, though not evil. They are extremely similar to humans biologically, socially, and mentally except they can have horns, hooved feet, tails, and many other inhuman traits and many exhibit magical abilities. Devils also always have a very increased healing factor, though the time difference varies between devil to devil. A devil's traits are directly passed down from their parents and a devil's relationships and lineage can be easily traced depending on what inhuman traits they have or what magical abilities they possess. For example, children might have horns identical to one of their parents or look like a mix of both or a devil with an ability to control plants might have a child who either can also control plants or an adjacent ability. Devils are so similar to humans that a devil and a human can produce a biological child, though such children are usually shunned by paranormal society. Half devils are rare due to humans and devils not commonly interacting let alone falling in love but conception is just as likely as two humans or two devils. Half devil half human children aren't likely to inherit their devil parent's appearance and usually look like an average human but almost always inherit their devil parent's magical abilities. Back in the day, devils were considered the other side of the same coin to humans but nowadays that ideal is commonly reviled as some groups of devils have begun to believe themselves to be much better than humans. (More info can be found on "The Intro" sub folder,)

Werewolves- Very similar to the classic renditions of werewolves in the media. However, those who are born werewolves to two werewolf parents can typically control their transformations and transform at will, though during the full moon they still are forced to transform in most cases, and very skilled ones can transform certain parts of themselves at a time if wanted Bio werewolves have full control over themselves when transformed, even during the full moon. Biological werewolves typically have heightened hearing and sense of smell even in human form. Bio werewolves commonly have an ingrained pack mentality and are severely loyal to those they consider to be their pack. Turned werewolves are those who used to be human but were bitten. They typically have no control over their transformation, though typically they only transform close to or during a full moon. When transformed, their consciousness is addled and it takes many years and a lot of practice to be able to fully control themselves during transformation. Biological werewolves often have the instinct to bite humans due to their pack mentality, they are urged instinctually to take any opportunity to “Add to the pack”. MOOS has set laws forbidding werewolves from biting humans but some werewolves disobey the law anyways. Regardless, nowadays there are way more biological werewolves than turned werewolves. Werewolves can have children with humans but it is a 50/50 chance that the child will be born fully human or fully a biological werewolf. There are rare cases of a child noticeably being half human and half werewolf but typically a child is born fully one way or another.

Vampire- Blood suckers. Vampires are very elitist. Whilst technically living under the laws of MOOS, most avoid the organization and other paranormal creatures in general, with a few exceptions. There are two types of vampires, those who are born vampires and those who are turned. Biological vampires tend to be very cruel towards turned vampires and believe themselves to be much better, because of this there are not many turned vampires in the world. Biological vampires are vampires born to either two vampires or a vampire and a human. A vampire born half human is still 100% a vampire, unlike most half human beings. Biological vampires typically look very human though occasionally with inhuman features like animalistic eyes, pointy ears, or a tail, etc. Biological vampires cannot consume anything other than blood or very fresh, very raw meat, they will vomit up anything else they attempt to consume. They have a blood like substance in their veins but it is extremely thin and very iron and oxygen deficient. They rely on drinking blood to get the nutrients they need to survive. Biological vampires are not technically undead but fall under the category still. They can go long periods of time without blood but are severely weakened if they do so and eventually will starve. They are typically cold to the touch and their heart, though it beats, sometimes only beats anywhere from once every 20 seconds to once every two minutes. The nutrients from the blood they ingest enters their bloodstream very quickly and their heart typically beats faster after a meal due to the body wanting the nutrients and oxygen to reach every part of their body faster. Their blood becomes thicker after a meal as well, though the nutrients dissipate very quickly due to a vampire’s body being unable to produce any of it by itself. Biological vampires are not technically immortal but their lifespan is 1,000’s of years and they cannot be killed unless stabbed in the heart (by any weapon) or placed in direct sunlight for a long period of time. Sunlight is detrimental to a bio vampire’s health and it weakens them but isn’t deadly unless dosed in large amounts consistently. That being said, bio vampires still sunburn easily and are very sensitive to bright lights. Biological vampires also heal incredibly fast, which is why only destroying the heart can kill them. Every part of them except for their heart can be repaired, though destroying the brain might result in memory loss. Biological vampires can consume any type of blood, human is more nutritious but they can live off of animal, and the blood doesn’t have to be fresh. Turned vampires are humans whose blood was almost completely or completely drained by a vampire after an attack. Most vampires are careful not to kill their victims but if a human does die during a feeding they become undead and thus a turned vampire. Turned vampires are much weaker than biological vampires. They have next to nothing flowing through their veins and must feed much more regularly on fresh blood in order to survive. Most turned vampires have trouble keeping a clear head especially when hungry, and are often extremely cold, to the touch and in general. Turned vampires tend to dress in warm clothes and can be found shuddering often. Turned vampires don’t develop many inhuman traits besides elongated fangs, such fangs are usually disformed and crooked due to developing quickly after being turned, but their limbs often permanently turn blueish purple or in rare cases black. Such limbs stay completely operational despite looking as though the circulation has been cut off. Turned vampires are technically immortal, they could possibly live forever however it is very easy to kill them. Sunlight is much more lethal to turned vampires than biological ones, it doesn’t kill on contact but only takes around 30 minutes to an hour to be lethal, and turned vampires heal at about the rate of the average human, if not slower. Living as a turned vampire is a fate worse than death in a lot of cases, most turned vampires refuse to drink blood and live almost in an unconscious fog. Blood transfusion work to help revitalize a turned vampire but only temporarily and turned vampires must only ingest human blood compatible to the blood type they had as a human or they will get extremely sick. Turned vampires can eat normal food but it does not benefit or nourish them whatsoever. Most vampires enjoy the taste of blood, though most turned vampires are repulsed by it mentally they crave it and typically develop a taste for it if they allow themselves to. Human blood is delicious to vampires in most cases, and animal blood is palatable to biological vamps, but the blood of humanoid non human creatures is often found repulsive and inedible, especially that of werewolves.

Demons- Godlike being with near infinite amounts of power. Each demon is the ward of an element or idea, like the warden of fire and the warden of death. They are creators of aspects of the world and in the old days brought new concepts into reality. A new demon has not been born in thousands of years but their creation seems random and unprompted, so a new one could appear and bring forth a new concept at any time. The strongest demons are those who are wardens of ideas mortals have the strongest emotions for, they feed off of the mental energy of mortals an grow stronger the more their concept is thought about, it is a form of worship to them, even if in fear. Most demons are in an eternal slumber, waking at seemingly random intervals to aid or inflict misfortune onto mortals. The only demon who doesn't sleep is the warden of time. Demons can gift strong magical abilities to mortals as they see fit and many evil or impish demons bestow curses disguised as gifts.

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