CrazyMothLady's Bulletins

Back-to-th art raffle! (Mine)

Posted 9 months, 9 hours ago by CrazyMothLady

Comment to enter with a linked character, posting a bulliten is +3 entries.

The prize can vary, but will likely be a fullbody or at the very least, a chibi or shaded bust.

there will be at least one winner, but I’ll pull more if I feel like it!


I’m back? ‘Ello ‘ello (imp)

Posted 9 months, 18 hours ago by CrazyMothLady

So I’ve been active on discord the past few days and it’s made me alot more confident about starting to come back. I might be a bit inactive here and there, but I think I’m back for awhile now! Over the next few days, I’ll probably start uploading art I did over the past ~2 months and doing some updates on the stuff I did, as well as replying to comments and stuff I’m so happy to be back, I genuinely missed all of you so much <3

I think I’m in the clear

Posted 10 months, 4 days ago by CrazyMothLady

I think I’m in the clear, so dont worry. Just to be safe, I’m going to still be a bit inactive, especially as I need time to focus on some mental health stuff

tysm for your support on the last bulliten!

I'm not going to get into the whole story, but there might be a chance that my parents have/will soon discover my yt channel and then through that might find other things or might just stop me from being online or something, whether they find out or not, I won't be on for a week or so, but if they do, I love y'all and thank you so much for helping me through really tough times. Hopefully though,they won't find out

Developing promethea's world and decided to make it the sister planet to the Selche 's planet as that planet has a ringed planet close by and I had already planned for promethea's planet to have rings and when drawing a little Selche I remembered how much I love drawing them and how much I developed for them and now I'm so confused why I abandoned the concept and can't wait till I can dig up all the old sketches and notes on them when I get home at the end of the month because aah I love them and I want to potentially make them into an open species because while I don't think they'red be much demand seeing as they aren't fluffy animals I just love drawing these guys so much and I remember I have so many designs I doodled of these guys (and y'all will have to wait for that as well because there is so much lore around these guys and their biology as a species is fleshed out, like I probably can't even remember half the stuff about them and I could still probably talk about them for hours

Not me using my ap environment science credit to develop information about the negative effects of mining in a cyber-fantasy world because I want to have alot of nature related stuff don't want to fall into the cliche of 'perfect utopian green city created as a exaggerated ideal world of the future'

Like yes my civilization builds technology that works off of nature in harmony and has city's built into table mountains and stuff but they also powered it with crystals harvested with a history of over mining, disrupting some of the mountains structural integrity, spoils, erosion, poor soil quality, and toxic metal in water sources.

And yes, loads of the natural terrain has been left largely untouched and allowed to thrive, but their obsession with discovery and documentation leads them to carry harmful plant diseases and stuff

I've definitely put overly high standards onto my world building to create a world that's not a perfect version of our own, but majorly flawed in other ways

YouTube locked pop out video behind it's stupid 130+$ a year premium which is so frickin stupid, as an artist who consumes most of what I watch in the form of having it popped out on the screen as I draw, unlike most of premiums features, this one is both so disappointing for me and feels like it will directly impact creators because it actively prevents people from watching YouTube who might otherwise because they have to use their device for something else like art commissions and stuff (especially video essayists and commentary channels who have a big audience of artists who listen as they draw)

In my opinion, if a platform/service has premium features, fine. It's really useful for supporting said service. But I feel it is unfair to users of said platform if a feature that has historically been free is suddenly behind a paywall

Additionally YouTube's premium service is basically highway robbery you can pay the same amount to get Disney+'s huge library of content you prior didn't have access to as you would to get a few extra features on a platform that YouTube doesn't even make the content people go to it for

Only a few days left until revenges are no longer guaranteed, on the tenth I leave for vacation but will still have some time, but on the 13th I'm hopping on a plane (and am watching genloss with my brother so my ipad won't be free to draw) and will have little to no time online for a week and than after that little to no time online for a week without access to my ipad to draw (will do so trad art tho.. but will only get an hour or less each day to memorize references and stuff)

By the time Im able to draw again there will only be a few days left

Tldr I will be revenging every (first) attack made before the 10th

Gotta work on this

Posted 11 months, 3 days ago by CrazyMothLady

Half of my art peices have one hand on their hips, more specifically right hand (from our perspective)

and then 


has a light source from the top left corner 

if Theres any with a light source in the right, it’s hard to find 

Am I the only one…

Posted 11 months, 5 days ago by CrazyMothLady

I might get canceled for saying this, as I’m sure its a very unpopular hot take

But am I the only one that eats the contents of the teabag after steeping my tea?