

Aitrion is a low gravity, high oxygen planet found in the far reaches of known space. It orbits just inside the outer edge of a red giant's habitable zone. It is a world deemed uninhabitable to most creatures, with a crust so thin in places that surface temperatures exceed 400 °C (752 °F). All life exists in the foothills of Aitrion's inactive volcanoes or near the many lakes and pools found in the calderas. The inhabitants of the world are massive, extremophile insectoids, with the dominant sentient species being the Trakkik.

Bedtime Stories

CW: Implications of Abuse
Bedtime Stories is a story about a group of monsters that works to protect kids from the real terrors in the night, both human and otherwise. Each monster is assigned to a child and stays with them until no longer needed. They have both a travel form, typically taking the form of innocuous items like charms, security blankets or lucky keychains, as well as a guardian form.

Tales of Celrin

Headworld of Scribble and home to their closed species, Atli.

Closed Species

All the various closed species that I've adopted over the years that don't have ARPGs or are inactive.

Dungeons and Dragons

My DnD characters from long-running campaigns.


Droria is a Super-Earth class planet roughly twice the size of Earth and a higher mass, leading to a higher gravity. It orbits an atypical yellow dwarf similar to Earth's Sun. Due to its key placement between many planets, Droria is a spacehub surrounded by several spaceports and a massive artificial habitat ring. Many species call it home, including sapient plantfolk known as the Crivosk.


A ruined planet held together by duct tape and prayers atmospheric generators and massive gravity emitters. The surface is inhabited by cyborgs, mutant creatures, scrappers, criminals and robots. Humans hide up in orbit.

For Sale/Trade

All characters I no longer have a use for and would like to get rid of.


Headworld of notecardPasta and home to their closed species, Vido.

Primeval Age

Dinosaur ARPG on Isla Kela, owned by


A large waterworld with few land formations. The land that does exist is found as lofty cliffs with peaks so high that visitors to the planet swaer they float. It is inhabited by a great many aquatic species, several of them sapient.


All my retired characters that are forever frozen in their timelines for various reasons. Don't be surprised if I still get art of them, I still adore these characters, I just don't write any new content for them.


Headworld of Monster and home to their various closed species.


All my sona characters. My main sona is Cross, but Keeper and Voidwalker are also quite dear to me.

Sun and Stars

Sun and Stars follows a group of creation 'dieties' as they travel through space.

HTML by Eggy

nfs adopted nft has design art priority 1 feral absolute favs created alien shapeshifter humanoid anthro art priority 2 closed species male needs update alive cs incomplete needs name