Crown-of-Teeth's Profile Comments

Gosh i see your designs and it makes me squeal of joy (: if you ever do design trades I'd love to do one with you sometime.

ahh im glad you like them! ;0; 

Aksjdmss ofc! I always get excited to see what designs you come up with! Some of them always hit my favorite things XD like that candle one, i tried to sell some things to buy em but not that lucky in the adoption department. Honestly keep up the amazing work and one day i know I'll be able to purchase one of these incredible designs.

gdrstaes thats so nice of you to say!! thank you again ;0; 

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Yo what the hell?? Thank you for warning me- that’s some extremely bad behavior. Idk why they are subscribered to me with the stuff I make! Thank you again! 

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That’s absolutely bizarre! Here I am sitting with a trans pride pfp and they kept me subbed?? Brah like all my characters are some form of LGBTQ+ XD why the fuck didn’t they unsub or block me chdhshhs

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