Firefly Clan

My Firefly Clan cats from ClanGen.

Clan Backstory

When generating this clan, I was immediately struck by the cats' vengeful and bloodthirsty natures. At first I wasn't sure if I should go through with it, but when I saw that the leader was a Turkish Van who had not only heterochromia but also a heart-shaped marking, I couldn't roll the dice again and knew that I would be sticking with these cats.

Their StarClan cat is actually a senior citizen, so luckily their ancestors had long and healthy lives, or so it seems, but Laurelstreak was a vengeful cat who doubled as a fantastic teacher. I'm sure you can imagine the impact that has had on the clan. The leader, Cicadastar, is known for her cold personality and she's a fantastic teacher as well. It looks like this is going to be a group of really psychopathic (sociopathic?) cats. The deputy, Whistleheart, knows that something is wrong and he's a lonesome cat, not really feeling like he fits in with the others, and what he lacks in teaching ability he makes up for with his fantastic speaking skills. But will he be able to turn this clan around? Curlytooth, the medicine cat, is shameless but she's not necessarily a bad cat... she's a senior though, and spends most of her time building dens, so I'm not sure how much impact she will have. Fleetmoon is a righteous cat with a strong connection to StarClan... but does that mean he's connected to the general StarClan cats who obey the warrior code, or does his allegiance lie with Laurelstreak and her bloodthirsty ways? Olivespots is confident and very smart but could probably be influenced either way, but she wants to get to know Fleetmoon better so maybe the two of them could start a revolution and try to turn things around. Downpelt is another cat I'm concerned about, as she's not only bloodthirsty but also extremely smart, and as a young cat she could have an impact on the clan for some time to come. Laurelpaw is an apprentice being trained by Cicadastar herself, and as a compassionate cat being trained by a cold mentor, it will be interesting to see whether her personality changes at all. Bigkit is just a bossy little kitten, and Sunrisekit is impulsive... while neither of those personality traits seem positive, they're far from bloodthirsty and cruel, though I doubt those traits would show on such a young kit anyway.

So let's get started and see where things go!

Starting Stats

Gender Breakdown: Males (3) Females (6)

Age Breakdown: Seniors (1) Senior Adults (2) Adults (1) Young Adults (2)Apprentices (1) Kits (2)

Total Cats: 9

dog canine pink blue Fenrir Cove female purple fluffy black tradeable colorful forsale interesting semi-realistic ridgeback ridge onlyhalfpigeon Chicoon band-aids fox