CyberGalaxie's Bulletins

--and just realized that my premium has expired, KJNADW

BUT YA ,,, DUE TO MY ABSENCE-- I unintentionally kept a few people waiting on replies & stuffs and just,,,, awkjdna, my biggest, sincerest apologies on that!   I literally had a hellfire of a week (or more, I'm pretty sure I've been suffering longer than just 7 days urguhh) and was unable to check in on my social medias (especially TH) due to the terrible pain I've been in :") 

Long story short to save most of the details; 

Sent mom to the airport for her flight around the start of this month, bought Starbucks Cheesecake at the airport and went home, left said Cheesecake in the fridge and forgot about it until 2 days later after buying it, took it out of the fridge said 2 days later; questionably staring at it for a good period of time whether it's safe to eat it or nah before going "fuck it" and chowing down, and highkey regretting the ongoing days afterwards cause that DAMN CHEESECAKE caused me a high af fever of 38.6C (about 101.48F? Idk Fahrenheit stuffs). 

It was not covid thankfully, but my guy.. I was writhing on my bed so much in this pathetic, weak-af state cause it also heavily affected my stomach/chest severely as well :"))) Idk how to put it, there was this?? Stinging feeling like fishbone (tho I've never ate fish for a long while now) around my stomach, ribcage, and chest area that randomly comes and goes for about 5-6 days or more even after the fever passed after a couple of days after getting it. And let me tell you, it was really hard to sleep throughout the days because of the pain.

The pain eventually, finally subsided I think... yesterday? Two days ago?? But- yeah, I'm pretty sure that cheesecake was the cause for the whole entirety of my suffering ajlsdkm,,, it lowkey made me a lil traumatized and wary on milk/cheese stuffs now tbh haha 💦 on my defense tho, there wasn't any sight of mold on the pastry since it was still in the box, and I couldn't tell if the smell/color was bad or nah >:v I don't even know if cheesecakes would go that bad, even if refrigerated for two days??? My food knowledge is the size of a peanut I swear. 

My gf RebornHydra literally watched my pain in first class seat cause we were on Discord call at those times, SKSKSK

Though back on topic, I'll quickly jump back to being active and replying to people immediately after posting this bulletin so at least yall know where tf I went HAHA

Hope you guys have been well and weren't suffering as much as me   

Helping a friend out! (ad)

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by CyberGalaxie

Highkey very important by the way!!! You can read the whole thing in this bulletin, but long story short, they're seeking money to pay for rent or else they'll get kicked out and they'll have to move back to their toxic and abusive family!

Their commission are open at the moment, and you don't have to be oblige to (especially if you don't have the funds like me 😭) but sharing around is deeply appreciated!

Stay safe out there my fledglings! /pos

Heads up on spam incoming!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by CyberGalaxie

Once again, my dumbass forgot to upload OCs (as well as art) I got many weeks/a couple of months ago and I'm,,, ajskdwa (I hardly check on TH these days cause I'm mainly on Discord, playing games with friends :')))

In advance, I apologize deeply for the incoming of spam notifs!! 😭😭😭 /srs 

Can i be your friend? Yeah definitely, of course! Feel free to interact with me as much as you'd like, as long as you feel comfortable doing so! :> Do note that I can be a lil' awkward and shy at first though, so responses aren't always so quick! 

Can i link ocs? I don't mind it, as long as you ask me first! Though, I highly prefer that we only link them if there's shipping plans and/or story plans between the characters or sumn :0 so the link won't technically be ya know.. 'useless'/'just there' in a sense, ya know? 

Do take note that I roleplay as well (albeit only literature format. Lowest I can go is semi-lit), so if you ever want to roleplay with said characters, I'll be down anytime! <3 However, writer's block has been beating me up these days so ofc, roleplay responses will be somewhat slow as well. 

Can we ship our characters? Haha I added this because of the question above, but.. yeah! Sure! I'm somewhat- but not too picky when it comes to shipping though. However, I'm not picky at all if you want your character to be friends/enemies with mine!

Can i ask to hear your voice or get in a call? ... yesss? No?? Maybe so??? kjasdhna I don't particularly mind letting people hear my voice at all (come on, I play VRChat LMAO), but I personally do not like 1 v 1 calls unless it's me and my girlfriend or one of my close moots :') I highkey prefer group calls instead! Though when I'm usually in one, I prefer listening to people talk  than talking myself tbh, unless there's a topic I can engage myself in pfft

Can i ask to see pictures of you? Only to close friends! I don't know why you would want to see pictures of me but 👀 ehhh, it's prob not that hard to find tbh, since I cosplay a lot

Can i take art inspiration? I'm not an artist (at least not anymore thanks to animation days), but if you meant taking pose reference/details of any art of my characters, then it's probably a maybe? Preferably not. 

Can i take design inspiration? NO. Hell no to the no. The first thing (if you read) when you come onto my profile is that I feel HIGHKEY uncomfortable if anyone took any design/story inspiration off of ANY of my characters. I will know, and I can find out. You'll immediately be blocked from me as I don't like doing head-on confrontations at all. 

I already had a somewhat well-known artist did this (read the previous bulletin) and I can't even look at one of my characters (that they took the design off of) anymore lmao. 🙃 It wasn't even a first time thing either and it's so plain obvious??? Same thing applies to AU stuffs that I jumped on to as well, even though I don't technically own them. Let's say the G!Error and G!Ink designs for example by Miyagawa. I literally saw no one making fusions/aus and what not with their designs (I asked permission by the way), and I mainly only jump onto AUs that no one has touched before (another example; Zephyrtale). So you bet as soon as I see one/someone taking inspo of this as well (after I did mine), I'm gonna be so fucking upset. I already had enough of this. 👏👏👏 

My reason for this is that I don't want several other people to jump onto the 'untouched AU' train that it becomes popular and not special anymore??? I don't know how to really describe it, but yk. Don't.

Can i ask about co-owns? Only to people I feel super comfortable with! A very few people I know that  I won't mind co-owning my designs to. But this is mainly a very hard pass. 

Can i ask for pings? Yeah! They're in my warnings as soon as you enter my profile, but I don't mind people asking for pings on a specific character! I try to put characters in the market folder at least once or twice a month if I don't connect to them anymore, or etc. Cause I don't like to hoard a bitch ton of designs LMAO

Can i put your character in my dreamie folder? Surprisingly? Absolutely. My entire Toyhouse is available to be put into a Dreamies folder. I don't mind this! Just know that anyone in Sonas, as well as Repeatragedy aren't going anywhere. 

Just a lil something ( /neg)

Posted 2 years, 27 days ago by CyberGalaxie

EDIT with this person: Imagine taking back a design I PAID for after gifting it to my S/O (even though it was never mentioned in your TOS, though also p much mb for forgetting to give said TOS to my gf hshs) and not even compensating or refunding the payment?? Lmao tf   Take backs without any compensation/returns/refunds whatsoever is trashy as well k

It has been brought to my attention that someone has been copying designs of characters that I own/used to own (I only noticed two of them after someone told me) for a while now and like??? I already mentioned it on my page but please. holy fucking shit. DO NOT. Take any reference of my characters at all. 

It's pretty fucking ironic too that this person has "do not take heavy reference of my characters" on their page and yet here they are. 👏👏👏👏

Like wow.

I can't even fucking look at the character that has been copied anymore.

Sure, you can say "oh but everyone does this same design/puts this accessory on this character!!!"
for the ones that me and my friends noticed, as well as STRANGERS even, and then tracing it back to mine and comparing it to other fusions of the same two characters slapped together (on both Twitter, DA and here), it's very obvious that they took the same accessories/design/what not and added it onto their character with just a different clothing choice.

Heck, I even noticed one of them is heavily colorpicked??? Yeah sure, you can't own colors but it literally has the same color palette schemes?? Like is your creativity that fucking low that yo have to yoink other people's design and contradict your own rule, tf?? 

Do take note it's a fusion-esque design and usually each fusions differs in different design/color palette so. Not only that, a friend of mine got a custom from them and this person literally copied one of my friend's scarf design and slapped it on said custom. Least to say, we're both mad and a lot of people seem to have notice these similarities too, smfh.

I will force this person out of my subscribers list (and most definitely removing their favorites on my characters) after I post this bulletin, but yeah that do be it 🙃

I'm not going to drop names (only to close friends but you can prob ask so you can compare for yourself??), but this is fucking icky. If the shoe fits since I'm not sure if they might see this, thanks for making this day uncomfortable for me! :)

New Tag! (Aka the EO tag)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by CyberGalaxie

Eyoooo, as a small few of you have probably noticed already (since I posted it on some other places on Toyhouse in comments/etc), my TH has a new tag now! :0 Which is this

Characters that I've never touched for at least a month or more (but still love), and/or characters that I haven't developed feelings or have a story yet (but not super sure to put them into the Markets folder), will be labelled as such! I will entertain and look at any offers with characters that has this tag, but do know that I'll probably be tent/a bit picky and would need time to think (since I'm looking offers for them after all) in order to decide!

The only fellow that's in there that's a bit off limits right now is Circe, since a couple of friends are interested in him beforehand and I still need to decide on it ajskdma

Also doing this cause I don't want to have too much characters and prefer that the ones I haven't touched in a while to head to a good home if anyone's interested in them (despite me still loving some of those hjshsh)

Most of them would have their worths in their profile, but if they don't, then just ask and let me know! :0

Edit: I also do pings! So if there's any character you see outside of the tag that you want to be pinged on when it goes UFOs, then let me know on that too!

Short spam incoming-

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by CyberGalaxie

So like-- I found some old characters that I bought quite a while/a long time ago s-SO-- IN ADVANCE-- I APOLOGIZE FOR THE SPAM IT'LL CAUSE AAA NGNHMG

I'd probably be selling a few of these though cause I honestly can't remember why I bought them in the first place since it's been so long- 🧍‍♂️

Okay so the good news is, that I got the rest of the money (30USD) that I lost to the hacker thanks to a bean yesterday that helped out!! ;;;; Waaa, thank you so much!!! I really hope you enjoy you enjoy your beans ;; v ;;!

However, the worst that had came hit yesterday is that the hacker somehow managed to get back??? For the second time??? Don't worry, I'm not rehoming anyone this time but,,, I'll try to explain what had happened!

So after the first time, if you read in the previous bulletin, RebornHydra got back into her account after I paid the hacker my money in order to buy the account back. She changed EVERYTHING. Email, password, even 2FA and etcetera to make sure he won't make his way back in if he were to break his promise.

Well.. guess what happened a few days prior after the previous bulletin was made? Yesterday, said hacker came back. Again. And it really fucking pissed me off cause the first time, he promised not to come back. And whaddaya know??? He did. I was beyond frustrated and PISSED at this point, because how in the ever living hell did he manage to come back after she literally changed EVERYTHING on the account?

Here's some of the receipts, and the verdict. You know what's disgusting? Somewhere in between these, he claimed; "I am from Ukraine and needed money for food." , "There are Russians outside my door" , etcetera etcetera. Which is really. Fucking disgusting, to use the war that's happening right now to guilt-trip someone, and even use it to his own advantage to get more money. 

Long story short, this time it was Hydra, instead of me, to pay the hacker $40. Originally, he wanted $100 on this second time. But somehow the price got dropped to $50, to which I negotiated down to $40. 


The red crossed-out part is my phone number, which I honestly don't really care as my phone can't receive SMS/text messages, nor call others now due to the lack of money in it. I read up that hackers will read back on DMs in order to 'impersonate' the person they've hacked, and I remembered back in 2018 I gave Hydra my phone number.4.PNG'This is not a joke', it isn't, and you're using it to your own fucking advantage which is fucking disgusting5.PNG?width=616&height=212


He deadass literally said the same shit the first time, lmao.7.PNG?width=898&height=337

8.PNG?width=633&height=294Asking someone to 'calm down' after breaking your deal and coming back for a second, right.
Anyways, after that last message that was sent by him, the DM doesn't even show it now but I got fucking unfriended and blocked. WHICH LITERALLY THREW ME THE FUCK OFF CAUSE THIS MAN IS RUNNING AWAY??? WITH THE FUCKING MONEY I PAID HIM???

During this time I was talking to Hydra on Facebook, and despite the red messages not being there anymore while I was blocked on Discord, when I went back earlier to just check:


Hydra shortly made another account after she sent that message. Just before she was about to send me a friend request on the new discord, though... while I was STILL trying to message the guy while I was still blocked, I finally got unblocked and my messages finally went through.



This fucking guy pulling that sick ass lie again   PLUS??? 'Do you want the account back or not?' Even after I paid? Laughable. 



'IT'S A JOKE BLACK' ??? What does that even mean- is he trying to call me the 'N' word? Bitch I'm fucking Asian.         


This the last message he sent, before Hydra rammed her way back in. LMAO this guy probably has like -1 braincell or some shit.

For context, I am not rich and am literally poor that's working a shit $7/hr pay job at a Cinema, and also choosing to starve daily because I don't use my daily food allowances I get everyday and instead, use those to save up. (I get $10 per day by my mom to buy my lunch/dinner, aka, for food. But sometimes I didn't and chose to not eat for that day instead, so I can save up the money to get things I want, or need). Cause like??? Strict asian parents amirite? 

But ya, I have nitro no shit, but that's like $10 per month, or in my case cause of country conversions, $14SGD per month for me. It's easy to get $14 within a month (to me), so how the fuck is that rich? Pft. Unless nitro subscriptions are per week, then I would understand where this guy is coming from. But a month?? Yeah, this guy literally has no braincell. 

You can tell the guy was lying about him being from Ukraine the whole time too, due to him literally saying ; 'donate to us UK'. The fact that he tried to be all 'buddy buddy' too.. lmao, hilarious.   

After all these though, as Hydra got back on her account yesterday, we both found out that he literally deleted all of her servers, and left all of them except three servers that me and her still share (Our personal server, her emoji dump server, and a guild server for one of the games we play). She's still sending friend requests to everyone else because the guy also deleted everyone off of her Friend list as well, and still trying to join back in Servers that she used to be in!

So if you're friends with Hydra, just go ahead and send her a friend request or smth, as her discord is on her Toyhouse profile page ;0

We weren't going to take any chances, though. After she did all that, she deleted the discord desktop app from her computer because we believe that the way he's coming back, is because the link she probably clicked on the first time; probably downloaded something into her Discord files on the computer. 


So quick PSA; if you got hacked once through Discord, or another application or something, changing your email , password, even 2FA won't work. That is literally how he came back the second time. 

But yes, she uninstalled the app completely, and I suggested to do a Factory Reset just in case. We did that yesterday after she backed up most of her files onto Google Drive and Factory Resetted everything. Thankfully, we also have a good computer tech that's been dealing/knows how to deal with hacks to help us along the way as well!



  Bless you Billy,,, our wallets are saved and we can only hope this shit doesn't happen a third time, mrnghh,,,,

Hydra's trying to find a way to get back that $40 she lost now though :'0 Some skeletons of mine and some of hers as well on my previous bulletin are still available if any of you would like to help out, but don't feel oblige to! She's thinking of making $10 skeleton adopts or something, but we're lacking fresh of ideas,,, awdjklsam,,, 

But ya ya,,, moral here is that if you get hacked on Discord or something, please do a factory reset!!! Changing your email/password/2FA deadass won't work aaaa 

ok,,, I managed to get it back FROM the hacker himself by paying the dude $50USD so I'm :")

Which is about $67 in my currency (SGD) anjskmd,,,

I think I need $40SGD more in my currency (which is $30USD I think) cause Hydra paid me back a lil so-- Imma try to get the rest back asjmndklwa, if it means selling characters I still love aaa :')) 

Nayana ($20, haven't used too much yet ever since I rehomed them)  BOUGHT!
TBN (Bought them for 16 euros which I believe is around $17 USD? :'0)  BOUGHT!
TBN ($8, lost feels for them-)
Dicycla (1K Points but I think is around $10?)
Sawyer ($6)
Eldrasil (MOST OF THE ONES I'M LISTING NOW ARE TENT, BUT HE'S THE TENTEST OF THEM ALL,,,,   $20 but I traded a $40 character so idk how to work around this-- IDK IT HAVE TO DEPENDS CAUSE I STILL LOVE HEE,,,)
Vestige ($72, also most tent, like on Eldrasil's level if I must say, but he's more than enough tbh,, hjnkkams)

Hydra is also selling some of her characters to help out the situation too asjknda

Liquidambar ($27)
Veritas ($10)
Randal ($5)
Inkling Skeleton (AB is $25 but idk offer whatever)
Heart Breaker (AB is also $25 but ya offer whatever :'))
Lost Valley (Same goes for the two above ajnskda)

wanna see a bit of the hack by the way- 


But ya,,, you guys should be safe now and if Hydra messages any of yall it's actually her cause I bought it back :') That's why I'm selling my loved bois,,,

Also it was my first time buying Crypto to pay this dude,,, bro I'm  

I did manage to get some info from the guy by playing 'buddy buddy', they're mostly after people who has a lot of badges on Discord so
For ''rarity'' apparently, idfk


So if you have no badges at all and you never once got a hacker message, that's prolly why   don't click sussy links fellas, Hydra said she clicked a link cause it's a 'legit game' and I'm,,, yall please don't click links in general   about any games, whatsoever like that, and if it is, make sure and confirm that it's actually your friend first!!!!

SDJASK BEFORE ANYONE CALLS ME STUPID FOR GIVING THE HACKER WHAT HE WANTS,,, me and hydra had met through elsword and then moved to discord where we made so much memories there and even like,, Idk, confessed so like :'') We were friends on Disc for more than 4-5 years now and I'm not gonna let some rando buy her account from the hacker njkamsA

But ya,,, making a new account just won't be the same ykyk?? I didn't think twice about buying it but was I stupid enough to? Maybe-

Goal reached: 30/30 !!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH Q V Q

Update/Latest Bulletin regarding the hacker situation , 0/40 for RebornHydra cause that's her mons she spent this time and I'm helping out ajksdmns, we don't need more than we need and we don't want to be greedy about the situation :c She's going to make adopts soon, so hopefully that will help! Or if anyone prefers, her commissions are open instead! You probably can haggle on prices though, she's super nice!

Haha like the title said 😳 yA YEET 

Commission Info!

She has 4 slots open at the moment and she's only accepting USD/Paypal so far! Usually she does customs as well, but since design ideas are hard nowadays, she only has art commissions open for now! :'> You can find more of her artwork here ( RebornHydra on Toyhouse ), and here ( Commissions + Customs open! ) if you need more examples, etc! 

Sharing around and/or supporting is greatly appreciated too! / v \