--and just realized that my premium has expired, KJNADW

BUT YA ,,, DUE TO MY ABSENCE-- I unintentionally kept a few people waiting on replies & stuffs and just,,,, awkjdna, my biggest, sincerest apologies on that!   I literally had a hellfire of a week (or more, I'm pretty sure I've been suffering longer than just 7 days urguhh) and was unable to check in on my social medias (especially TH) due to the terrible pain I've been in :") 

Long story short to save most of the details; 

Sent mom to the airport for her flight around the start of this month, bought Starbucks Cheesecake at the airport and went home, left said Cheesecake in the fridge and forgot about it until 2 days later after buying it, took it out of the fridge said 2 days later; questionably staring at it for a good period of time whether it's safe to eat it or nah before going "fuck it" and chowing down, and highkey regretting the ongoing days afterwards cause that DAMN CHEESECAKE caused me a high af fever of 38.6C (about 101.48F? Idk Fahrenheit stuffs). 

It was not covid thankfully, but my guy.. I was writhing on my bed so much in this pathetic, weak-af state cause it also heavily affected my stomach/chest severely as well :"))) Idk how to put it, there was this?? Stinging feeling like fishbone (tho I've never ate fish for a long while now) around my stomach, ribcage, and chest area that randomly comes and goes for about 5-6 days or more even after the fever passed after a couple of days after getting it. And let me tell you, it was really hard to sleep throughout the days because of the pain.

The pain eventually, finally subsided I think... yesterday? Two days ago?? But- yeah, I'm pretty sure that cheesecake was the cause for the whole entirety of my suffering ajlsdkm,,, it lowkey made me a lil traumatized and wary on milk/cheese stuffs now tbh haha 💦 on my defense tho, there wasn't any sight of mold on the pastry since it was still in the box, and I couldn't tell if the smell/color was bad or nah >:v I don't even know if cheesecakes would go that bad, even if refrigerated for two days??? My food knowledge is the size of a peanut I swear. 

My gf RebornHydra literally watched my pain in first class seat cause we were on Discord call at those times, SKSKSK

Though back on topic, I'll quickly jump back to being active and replying to people immediately after posting this bulletin so at least yall know where tf I went HAHA

Hope you guys have been well and weren't suffering as much as me   


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Dear god the sounds she made /hj trust her on not eating cake that's possibly old, plEASE SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO WRITHE IN PAIN,,,
buuuut welcome back sweetie :>