The Source of Dreams


After awakening from a deep slumber, the Goddess of Sleep, Huro, continues her mission: to find the source of dreams. Before her rest, she had dedicated her time to investigating the Dream Plane, an ethereal realm where all sleeping souls are tethered to in their unconscious state. This location is considered one of the final frontiers of Zyemio, elusive even to the most powerful Laws of Existence. Due to her status as a Goddess of Sleep, she is one of the rare beings in Zyemio who can access the Dream Plane without easily succumbing to its rules. Huro believes that at the deepest layer of the Dream Plane lies the answer she desperately seeks. However, her search leads her to struggle to find a way to both dive into the depths of her deepest curiosity while staying grounded enough in reality that she can protect her home.


. Before

The ever growing mystery behind the reason why Deities started disappearing during this era of the universe has caused a disconnect between the Laws and Deities. Many have started to suspect the Laws are hiding the reason why this phenomenon is happening. In fear that their immmortality might be challenged, many desperate Deities search to find any answer to explain what happened to their fellow ascendants. This has turned a few to seek answers in the Dream Plane through unusual means.

. During

With searches for the Law of Dreams to be unfruitful, an organization called Cross Guard seeks to find the location of the being next most likely to have direct access to the Dream Plane. By locating an area with the most frequent Nightmare activity, they are able to hone in on a distant planet in a quiet corner of the universe.

. After

Following the aftermath of Huro's actions, Nightmares no longer appear in a physical form in the universe. This attracted the attention of the Laws of Existence, who grant her insight into her curiosity. As for the mess left behind, the Law of Consequence Nasalis is forced to become a protector of the Deity's soul she destroyed in her rampage.

Main Characters


Goddess of Sleep


Goddess of Art


Patron of the Arts

Cross Guard


Goddess of Force


God of Waves


God of Illumination


Patron of Illumination


[ Law ]

A Law is a being who was chosen by the Creator to represent a concept that supports the existence of the universe.

  • The Laws of Existence are the first ten Laws chosen by the Creator, with each of these ten concepts being the fundamental forces that guide the universe. These being time, perception, morality, emotion, possibility, conflict, life, order, instinct, and space.
  • A normal Law represents an idea or a force, such as dreams or gravity.

[ Deity/God/Goddess ]

A Deity is a being deemed worthy by the Laws of Existence after having lived enough lives and reincarnations in Zyemio. Their worthiness is determined by how close the soul has gotten to its original purpose.

  • A Deity possesses a guiding Law, which they can have direct contact with. A Deity does not usually know in words what their purpose is, but rather follow it instinctually.
  • Deities are functionally immortal, and if they take what would be fatal damage, they return after healing to the place they hold most dear.

[ Patron ]

A Patron is a soul who is either chosen or created by a Deity to be their offspring. A Patron and their Deity are inseparable, and they share a deep connection in their magic and experiences.

  • Patrons can be accidentally created, or abandoned by a Deity. Abandoned Patrons are called Orphans, and are so rare many never see one in their entire lives as a Deity.
  • Patrons take the form of either a created vessel or of an amalgamation of the most powerful magical sources near to them. Due to this, Deities in relationships might make a Patron together that has the appearance of both of them.





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