D3XU1's Bulletins

Rest in peace D3XU1

Posted 3 months, 12 days ago by D3XU1

On January 13th of this year, my sister D3XU1 made the terrible decision to take his own life.

Several of the factors were due to both mental and personal problems, despite more than a month having passed, the pain is still as intense as when I lost her that day and I did not have enough strength to send a statement on all her social networks until the present day.

I know how much D3XU1 appreciated this page, that is why it is the first of all her networks where I will send this statement and in the process thank you for how much you made her happy by supporting her both as followers and as clients. Those little things made her quite happy.

This drawing was made by a very close friend of the family who admired my sister D3XU1 both as a person and for her artistic talent:


Week of mourning - Semana de Luto

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by D3XU1


I am a person who does not have friends, I am very bad when it comes to socializing and I am afraid of making some kind of mistake and that they will make fun of me, I am too insecure of myself and for these reasons I am a rather lonely person, which The only thing that makes me not feel so alone are my babies (my cats).

On April 19, my little Pepito (a 4-month-old kitten) died due to the negligence of a man who went out into the street with his two pitbulls, one of whom was carrying him on a rope and the other was free... they have already to imagine what happened... not only the loss of that little cat affected me, but also my sisters, little cousins and especially my mother, who feels guilty for what happened.
My mother is a very tough woman, seeing her cry really broke my soul. In my family we love animals very much and since the death of our little one the house has not been the same.

2 days ago we adopted a new kitten, he arrived in very bad condition that I had to focus my full attention on him so that he could recover, today he has improved a lot and we brought him a little brother so that he is not alone, I have recovered my condition again of encouragement and I apologize in advance for my absence throughout this week, I will resume the commissions again and in commemoration of my deceased cat I created a new folder called ´´Sanctuary´´ where I will upload images and brief descriptions of my cats, to remember them for a lifetime and keep them always in my heart :,) <3



Yo soy una persona que no tiene amigos, soy muy pésima a la hora de socializar y me da miedo cometer algún tipo de error y que se burlen de mí, soy demasiada insegura de mí misma y por esas razones soy una persona bastante solitaria, lo único que hace que no me sienta tan sola son mis bebes (mis gatos).

El día 19 de Abril mi pequeño Pepito (un gatito de 4 meses) falleció por negligencia de un señor que salió a la calle con sus dos mascotas de raza pitbulls, uno lo llevaba con una soga y el otro andaba libre... ya han de imaginarse lo que sucedió... no solo la perdida de ese pequeño gato me afectó a mí, sino también a mis hermanas, primos pequeños y en especial a mi madre, que se siente culpable por lo sucedido.

Mi madre es una mujer muy dura, verla llorar realmente me rompió el alma. En mi familia amamos mucho a los animales y desde el fallecimiento de nuestro pequeño la casa no ha sido la misma.

Hace 2 días adoptamos a un nuevo gatito, estaba en muy mal estado que tuve que enfocar mi completa atención en él para que se recuperara, hoy en día a mejorado bastante y le trajimos un hermanito para que no ande solo, he recuperado nuevamente mi estado de animo y pido disculpas de antemano mi ausencia durante toda esta semana, retomaré nuevamente las comisiones y en conmemoración a mi gato fallecido creé un nuevo folder llamado ´´Santuario´´ donde subiré imágenes y breves descripciones de mis gatos, para recordarlos toda la vida y mantenerlos siempre en mi corazón :,) <3

Tal vez no vean gran cosa porque le damos tanta importancia a unos gatos, pero como ya he escrito, amo a los animales y tengo una conexión muy especial con ellos y el amor es mucho mas grande cuando los crías desde que son cachorros que aún no han abierto los ojos, lo críe como si fuera mis propio hijo y eso que ni tengo xd Esto no es un adiós, sino un hasta pronto mi Pepito.

Si se preguntan que pasó con el señor, mis primos, tías y otros familiares lo amenazaron re feo, lo único que sé es que no pasará por la zona sino le irá mal... Supongo que lo bueno de tener una familia numerosa es que te apoyan en este tipo de circunstancias.

↪ BAKKOMORI ↩ | ➢ CS Interest Check!!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by D3XU1

Are you interested?

3 Votes Ping me :D

Hello, I am in the process of creating my own closed species, it is an independent work and it is the first time that I do this, if my species already has some resemblance to another please let me know!

history, guide, designs, rendering, etc. in progress.

Soon I plan to post another forum with more project updates, if you are interested please ask for a ping :D

Next I leave the sketch of the specie and the posions:




Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by D3XU1

What reward catches your attention the most?

5 Votes Adoptables, YCH and art pieces :D
0 Votes Discount coupons for your art commissions :3
4 Votes The AB coupon definitely ❤ :u
0 Votes Buttons or animated gif nwn
0 Votes Other (you can give me ideas in the comments <3)

Guys soon I plan to do a raffle for February 5th or 6th. The reward will be an exclusive YCH for Valentine's Day and for the raffle there will be 2 winners who will have the opportunity to get the YCH for free :D

There will also be another 3 chosen ones who will receive 1 of the 3 surprise rewards that I have to give these are:

  • - A 50% discount coupon for my art commissions (If you don't need it you can sell it or give it to someone else :1)
  • - An AB coupon (This allows you to give AB to my adoptables and take them away without paying anything :0)
  • - 3 simple buttons (can have tilt movement)