Shattered Fates

On the planet Eos, there exists ancient relics from a long lost ancient alien civilization. Through the efforts of historians, some of the relics are uncovered, starting a new era of exploration and digging. Filled with dangers and betrayels; the Relic Era is a bloody one, leaving many dead from abuse of the relics and the grueling work to get one.

This story takes place decades after the last relic was uncovered. Destabilization due to the relics has caused damages and unusual places around the world. Many people born have been gifted with some form of power due to the relics influence. This story talks about a group of three with a shared ability. Although unknown, the threads of fate and the world are within their hands now. As info rise up about more hidden relics, more powerful than the current ones, the wheels of war turns, and what will these three do in these times? All up to them.

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