
If I'm reselling a character, please check the price. Please do not lowball me when it comes to offers on them. I will try my best to add up all of the art work total that I've acquired over the years.

Please read any info put on the profiles when it comes to trades or resales.

For art offers: Show samples, tell me how long it will take, give me updates. If no updates are given within a months time, I will send you a message.

For character trades: Show me a trade folder or link a tag of trade. I'm not digging in your TH and selecting characters that you don't want to trade! I will not accept feral characters.

If you are unsure on what to offer me, feel free to read over what I like here.

CS MYO For Trade Needs Redesign Misc CS Needs Bio Female SheHer For Art Offers Needs Coding Less than 5 Images Adult Retired For Art Offer Single Resale Needs Icon Seoc Male Open