
"Hey, wait. Back in Boston

back when I was bitten

I wasn't alone.

My best friend was there.

And she got bit too.

We didn't know what to do.

So...she says "Let's just wait it out.

Y'know, we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together."

I'm still waiting for my turn.

Her name was Riley and she was the first to die.

And then it was Tess.

And then Sam."


"My mouth tastes like iron, wounds break open as I scream sing.

You were the soft twang of nylon, A The A smell of wood oil. Fretful Fret full.

Guitar strings with iron are brighter.

Guitar strings with iron twang sound brighter.

They mistook your resonance.

And left me with dissonance ???

And left me with rust.

All I have's our last conversation,

Looping like a chord progression,

Harmonies in blood."


"When I think about him, Joel

All I see is open skin, slack jaw, insides out.

I won't let her remember me that way.

I'd rather die alone.

Did she die alone?

Was her God with her?

Was He with you in the end?

Was he with Joel? Did I make it worse for Joel, being there?

Or was I company?

He/him More than I was with him?

Beyond faith in pain,

I want faith from pain

I want faith through pain."

The Lands

"What do I do here?

"How do I... We just started...

I shouldn't have said that to her.

She's gonna treat me differently now.

I know it.

I wish my fucking mask didn't break.

When did she figure it out she was pregnant?

Where were we a couple weeks ago? Boise?

I remember her throwing up in Kennewick... this is too much.

It all fucking makes sense...

the throwing up.

How tired she's been.

What the fuck, Dina!?

Why didn't you tell me?

Why didn't you trust me?

But did you trust her?

What should I do?

It's too late to turn back.

Just gotta end this whole thing as quickly as possible."

Story Characters

" What I know

They're former Fireflies.

From the hospital. It makes sense.

It's what my gut said all along.

The WLF took a bunch of them in after they disbanded.

They travelled to Jackson specifically to kill Joel to torture Joel.

Killing him wasn't enough.

Abby is hiding out in the aquarium.

What I don't know:

Why is Abby hiding out?

Does it matter?

Where are the rest of them?

Do they matter if I get Abby?


- Where's Tommy?

Is he still alive?

He has to be.

Should I tell Dina & Jesse about this?

No. They can't know what Joel did.

They won't understand.

Do I understand?"

For Sale

"Made it to the coast.


Its Gorgeous.

Flowers everywhere.

Theres this thick morning gloom.

Doesn't seem like the military ever came through.

Maybe it was too spread out.

I wish Dina could see this.

She'd lose her shit.

I like the sound of the waves."

HTML by Pinky

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