Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hi before you go to my profile 🖤


This profile has characters that contain the following types of art:

◇ Abuse Vent Art

◇ Gore 

◇ Nudity

◇ 18+ Sexual Content 

By accepting this, you're agreeing to my TOS. You can find my full TOS in my TOS folder. 

DO NOT sell/trade/gift characters that have been made by me to anyone on my Blacklist.  That will result in an immediate beware and a blacklistm

You may not copy any of my designs or any designs I own for your inspiration. You may not copy art as well. No stealing, copying, tracing, reposting or referencing is accepted here.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!