Darkwolfx177's Bulletins

slight vent?

Posted 6 months, 9 days ago by Darkwolfx177

Spoiler cause yk-

It's funny how I find no enjoyment in drawing anymore- I barely even draw my own characters, it's just- idk not fun?? I do like their designs but when it comes to actually making art of them I legit can't-

I mainly just offer art for characters and that's it,, Could be because I got so used to drawing other people's ocs that it feels like a chore to me at this point. Something I have to do.
I like the characters I get in return for my art and I'm happy to get them but sometimes I wish drawing didn't feel so forced :( I always spend hours making one art piece because I want to make sure it's perfect- And I'm so obsessed with making it perfect that when I finally finish it I'm never satisfied with the results,,

I criticize myself too hard and that's on me but I can't help it- I was never happy with what I drew yet I continue to make art despite all of this- Something keeps bringing me back to it but every time I draw I feel like it's not good enough.. There probably isn't much I can do to fix it, my brain is just weird lol At least I'm glad that people enjoy my art even if I don't ^^

Epic raffle moment

Posted 7 months, 17 days ago by Darkwolfx177

Cool clock gato, check it out :3

Check this outt

Posted 8 months, 3 days ago by Darkwolfx177

LOOK it's so cool go check plsplspls


Look at this epic raffle !! B)

Posted 8 months, 25 days ago by Darkwolfx177

Check it out I promise it's worth it 🙏



Also off topic but I wanna draw so bad but I have a history test tomorrow eu g h </3