"Liminal Land is a collection of multiple liminal spaces where the characters below reside. Although they do not live together in one space, they can often visit each other through special portals that appear in their spaces. The liminal spaces within Liminal Land change and cycle through different places to keep the characters entertained and sane. It's important to note that very few hostile entities can spawn from Liminal Land's liminal spaces, making it a relatively safe haven for its inhabitants.  

The characters in The Loony Bin group live in a sister location similar to Liminal Land, meaning that the two exist in the same universe. However, interactions between The Loony Bin and Liminal Land characters are proven to be difficult due to the sister location's inability to support the portals from Liminal Land."

  • Nurse Anne is one of the two nurses that reside in Liminal Land. She and Nurse Vendetta occupy a specific hospital space where they can practice caring for fake patients and stalk those unfamiliar with the space.
  • Nurse Vendetta is the second nurse that resides with Nurse Anne in Liminal Land. However, she comes off as more unhinged and jumpy, unlike Anne.
  • Haven is the pool rooms savvy of the group. Being designed to live in any pool rooms' conditions, she thrives with her irritable eel companion. If you find yourself paranoid that someone is watching you in the pool rooms, it will be her.
  • Toony lives for adventure and excitement. With a rubberhose composition and cartoonish features, she would normally be seen in liminal spaces that resemble large, abandoned, company buildings, specifically ones that had a history of animation and art.
  • Fawn resides in spaces that emit a peaceful or calming aura, mainly because she needs them, because despite always putting on a cheery grin, she's mainly the one that has the most mental breakdowns and existential crises. Thankfully, others in Liminal Land are able to help her.
  • Nile is one of the most lax of the inhabitants of Liminal Land. He often sticks with Fawn through out their days in the liminal spaces, and stops her from going completely nuts. He also enjoys initiating activities and trying to come up with ways to play any type of sport in the liminal spaces they're in.