DaughterOfMaat's Profile Comments

//noms face..

XD Hello kairi. :D

///totally didn't know you had a TH//

I only got the invite code rather recently. So, I had been trying to find almost everyone that I know on dA here on toyhou.se

Welcome to toyhou.se!

Thank you and thanks again for the code.

No problem! :D


Heeeyyy You have a toyhou.se!! :D

Yup, finally got lucky and got a code.

That's great!


Omggg you got a toyhou.se <3

Hello angel and yeah. I got lucky when I ask around for a code, it was in my attempt to try and contact green as well as after I obtained my jellycat and the previous owner (CandiStars) asked me if I have toyhou.se. :D But I still haven't properly set up my profile or anything. XD