DaxxyTanks's Bulletins

First, just wanna throw it out there, that I'm pretty flexible in regards to $ offers on characters in my Sales/Trades folder; for character trade offers, I'm a bit more particular in what I like, but please, if anyone in there catches your interest, feel free to shoot me a message and inquire about 'em!

Secondly, regarding Art Fight, I'm still going to try and get some art going to be able to attack before the month is over, but tbh I've been super burned out lately and the state of my mental and physical health has made everything a challenge. Between tons of appointments and applying for an apartment and trying to move, I feel like I haven't been able to properly rest or "catch up" at all during my summer break. I'm trying to be kind to myself and allow myself to rest, so if that ends up meaning I don't really participate much in Art Fight this year, I apologize, but I'll definitely be trying again next year! Still, I've got about 4 weeks left of the summer break, so here's hoping my partner and I get approved for this apartment, get moved, and can enjoy the last couple weeks in a new space. :]

*Update:* We got the apartment!! Lease is signed, we get the keys and can start moving in next Wednesday! :]

Art Fight!!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by DaxxyTanks

For the first time, I'm going to participate in art fight this year! I'm really looking forward to having fun and exercising my creativity a bit!

Time will tell if I end up rolling back to authorized users only, but for the time being, I've decided to have my OCs listed publicly (but watermarked for non-auth users). Still, if you'd like to be authorized, just shoot me a message to request that any time! :]

As a precaution to protect myself & my characters from n/f/t bots, my characters are now only visible to users I have authorized. If you aren't authorized and would like to be, please let me know and I will do so ASAP. Thanks!

All characters in my For Sale/Trade [12] folder are completely open for offers!


The USD price listed in the name are flexible (already far lower than what I originally paid)—I'm open to accepting any other offers: USD, Art, Characters, or some combination of the three.

If you're interested feel free to message me and make an offer either here (I try to check daily), or on my twitter account linked on my profile (I always check it daily)!

Any characters purchased with USD will help me pay off vet bills from last month. If you are interested in donating to that effort or reading my story, please check out my GoFundMe. Thank you!