All characters here are for sale. Comment on a characters page or DM me to make an offer.

Characters are priced in a way which is sustainable for myself. However all characters are open for best offers, but I cannot go lower than about £10. Please be fair and reasonable when making offers. I have the right to decline offers for any reason.

I only accept real money. Please do not offer anything else, I am not interested.

Please read my TOS before purchasing/bidding on an adopt. By purchasing/bidding you are agreeing to my TOS.



- Payment is expected within one week.

- Ko-fi is the only method of payment currently accepted. 

- Failure to pay will result in a cancellation of the transaction after which I have the right to sell the adopt to another buyer.

- Please contact me with a reasonable excuse within the week if you won't be able to pay before the deadline. Excuses given after the deadline will not be considered.

- Pay only after I give confirmation to do so. Any payments made before this will be considered a donation and the original payment will still be charged.

- No refunds or chargebacks.

Permissions and Copyright

- You may redesign the character as you wish.

- All adopts are non commercial by default. If you need an adopt for commercial purposes, this can be disscussed with me, and will require an additional fee.

- All artworks are for personal use only. You must not edit/modify the original art, distribute, make merchandise, claim credit, or use the artworks for advertising.

- Making NFT's out of any of my works is strictly prohibited regardless of the type.

- Using any of my work for AI training is strictly prohibited.

- If the original artwork is going to be posted on another website, a direct link to my page/other social media account is required.

- You may not resell any characters for more than they were purchased for without reasonable additional artworks.

- I may use the artwork in my portfolio/to promote my art.

UFS For sale Adopt Sale sale adopt Adopts adopts Anthro cat feline Cat for sale Dog borzoi furry Furry wings anthro Bird